LDWS, Smutastic, hp_creatures, help_pakistan, Dreamwidth... and RL

Sep 07, 2010 14:57

*yawns* I am terribly bleary right now from packing, but I wish to post! I am terribly behind on any number of fandom things and only likely to get more so. (Although the fact that - as you may have noticed - I spent much of today and yesterday catching up on the flist has been fun and helped that situation.) Here is what’s going on with me fandom- ( Read more... )

stressed, rl, fandom, awards, happy

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Comments 22

anna_unfolding September 7 2010, 14:30:22 UTC
Want a pic of leaf necklace ( ... )


lokifan September 9 2010, 11:21:32 UTC
Will provide one later when I am less faily! This post should have way more links in it than it does... way to mention a win and not link to the fic, self. But I'm on a public computer in the uni library, so it's all a bit difficult from here!

It was SO GOOD, OMG. Also you should, because her drabble in week 1 (or 2?) from the pov of a shrivelfig made me LOL. Also she just wrote kinky H/D I can't read from here and people should be able to read it vicariously.

We Are Legend's been recced already, but I may well rec The Garland Gay! I haven't read it yet but I strongly suspect it will be AWESOME.

I think it's creature enough! I love the whole "brutally perfect sneer" section and the part where he has the nightmare and shoves Draco onto the bed and Draco just trusts him - and now I am babbling. But yeah, I don't want to rec something I can't link to, and I'm not linking to one of those bootlegs of the PDF because I sympathise with the urge but I still disapprove.



anna_unfolding September 10 2010, 05:15:08 UTC
I sympathize with - but - disapprove of sharing the mistful pdf too. I think we are way in the minority, and I've heard all the arguments but still. I just am in the camp of respecting an author's request about her own work. I did offer it once to someone once to prove my love (so, immoral crossing of line of my own values = ILUBB??? I am so weird). She didn't need it so i didn't ever give it. But that was a one time exception!!!

The Garland Gay is amazing. Vaysh is so good at creating a world. I only wish it'd been longer, actually. But I loved it.

Blue/black hair? (pulled from other comment) Awesome! I wish I could pull that off.

[returning to my chem icon because i wanna]


lokifan September 13 2010, 03:28:07 UTC
I haven't heard much discussion of it (I'm curious though) but I can imagine - the fic is a gift you can't and shouldn't take back, she posted it herself, but yeah I agree. Especially since I think the fact that she'd said she was done with fic post-DH (and pre deal) gets lost, and people get all weird and resentful.

LOL, I don't judge! Someone sent it to me earlier! Although I'd had it before - my hard drive went kaput - so I don't feel bad about it.

It's all black, but that sort of black where it glints blue-ish when light hits it - it is called Cosmic Blue. And I love it!


nicevenn September 7 2010, 14:31:16 UTC
IT'S OKAY! As long as you don't kill me for takig Ron out of the picture.

And congrats on winning Smutastic!


lokifan September 9 2010, 10:32:45 UTC
LOL. I really want to read it now but I'm in my university library, on a public computer.

...MUST...RESIST...LINK. *sulkface*



deathlydragon September 7 2010, 14:54:19 UTC
Does creature mean... some Padfoot love? xD It probably means something like veela!Draco and not... what I certainly didn't think about. *coughs* *waves Draco/Buckbeak-flag*

And congrats on winning! I should read that fic now. I miss your fic... and I would love to spam your baby comm with Draco/Buckbeak countless R/D drabbles... just too bad I don't have an account, hehe. Successfully weaselled out. :D


lokifan September 9 2010, 10:34:59 UTC
LOLOL! Yes, veela!Draco. Not that other thing. Pervert. *ruffles your hair*

Aww, thanks! I failed to link, because I am a fail, and now I'm too in-the-university-library to open that tab - but it's under the Pansy/Hermione tag :)

Aww, thanks! Let me know if you ever want an account, I have invite codes left. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I think I was away when it happened but you're the 23rd, yes? *too lazy to check* I hope it was amazing in every possible way!!


deathlydragon September 9 2010, 19:39:30 UTC
James: "Padfoot, get out of my bed." *Padfoot waggles tail* "Oh, okay! But this time keep your snout where it belongs!"

Oh, you remembered my birthday... *faints* Thank you! I got older, that's never great, but thank you! :D If you gift me an invite code I would spam your comm in return. Although... I probably need years to understand that system there.

*runs to click the Pansy/Hermione tag*


lokifan September 13 2010, 03:24:02 UTC
D'aww, course! Have a code: PJAGNN5FPZ646AAAJLR7. Don't worry about spamming but I will be gleeful if you have time! And don't worry - it's run on the open-source LJ code with more stuff added, there's not much of a difference.



leticiae September 7 2010, 16:55:09 UTC
I am SO jealous of your winning an illustration... I didn't even know they were being bid... I'll have to see if there are any more or if it's too late.

But, um... Congratulations! :)


lokifan September 9 2010, 11:10:56 UTC
I think the bidding's over - but there might well be another round of the auction, since things are far from okay in Pakistan still!

I am SO. EXCITED. :DD Thanks, lol!


dora_the_nymph September 7 2010, 17:58:31 UTC
If creature can include Padfoot!love the above comment made me immediately think of http://snegurochka.slashcity.net/fics/lick.html

Surely, if you make sure to save it/have it open, not having internets is an opertunity to read fics?

*hugs* Maybe Ron and Harry can share Draco :D

(also, necklace sounds AMAZING!)


lokifan September 9 2010, 10:36:41 UTC
I cannot open that because I am in the university library... and this may be a good thing :)

I never save my internet in time to get the pages to come up, but I do have some LOVELY pr0n to beta, so that's a plus. Also YAY WRITING :)

LOLOL. *hugs back* Yes, this sounds like a plan.

IT IS, OMG. I shall link the pic at some point when I am less faily!


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