Supernatural Care Package!

May 03, 2017 17:32

Apparently I have no Spn icons anymore, so it'll have to be a Dark Angel one instead. Alec/Logan ♥

Anyway! Now that I know my Dean's package has reached it's destination I can post this.

A few months ago I posted one of those PIF memes, and because LJ is dying and no-one is here, only sillie82 signed up. (Or maybe everyone hates my crafts ( Read more... )

fandom shiny, tv: saving people hunting things, meme time

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Comments 12

pushkin666 May 3 2017, 17:21:00 UTC
Oh wow what a fantastic package to receive. Love the scrub and dead mans blood.


loki_dip May 3 2017, 18:41:13 UTC
Thanks! :) I am really happy with how it came out in the end. And just glad it didn't get too squashed in the post.


sillie82 May 3 2017, 22:28:04 UTC
I loved it so much. I was gleefully going through the package, and I loved it all. And yes, the little applepies are quite good. :D <3 Thank you so much bb. <3<3


loki_dip May 4 2017, 11:48:26 UTC
Yay! Well I am super glad to hear it.

I am really happy with how it all came together - proof I am not completely useless creatively. So glad you have it, like it and that I can show it off to the five people who still read my LJ. :p


eumelkeks May 4 2017, 10:20:28 UTC
OMG this is amazing! The body scrub reminds me of delux bath salts. Perhaps you could have a second career making homemade bathing products, heh. I'm so impressed by all of this!


loki_dip May 4 2017, 11:50:24 UTC
Really? Maybe there is something in this - the markup on them must be insane . Though two jobs might be enough...

It works really well too. I was sceptical, figured olive oil was more likely to make me greasy than soft, but it washes off easily and feels awesome. Not bothering buying them anymore!


eumelkeks May 4 2017, 13:27:05 UTC
Yeah, just call it organic and people pay a lot. Could be precious salt made from unicorn tears. ;)

I wash my hair with soap only and I love avocado oil for that! For skin, olive and coconut oil make a good combination.


loki_dip May 12 2017, 20:11:36 UTC
I am liking this plan. It probably costs about 50p a pot to make!

Interesting, what kind of soap do you use? I've never found a soap that didn't make my skin feel funny. Never mind the new soap at work that is stripping my skin. I spent all evening soaking in moisturiser.


dizzojay May 7 2017, 21:48:20 UTC
That's a brilliant piece of work, I'm sure Sillie was thrilled when she got it!


loki_dip May 12 2017, 20:19:54 UTC
Thanks! I am not naturally artistic and while I have ambitious ideas, it doesn't tend to come out they way I've planned, but I am pleased with how this one worked in the end.

I really hope she was. :D


gnine May 8 2017, 09:17:28 UTC
Heeeee, this is fantastic, love the details. Rock salt bath salts, dessert sauce dead man's blood, so much awesomeness! (...I no longer have any SPN icons either, oops :-p)


loki_dip May 12 2017, 20:24:04 UTC
Thanks! Hehe, you still have the pretty drawn icons though. :)


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