Supernatural Care Package!

May 03, 2017 17:32

Apparently I have no Spn icons anymore, so it'll have to be a Dark Angel one instead. Alec/Logan ♥

Anyway! Now that I know my Dean's package has reached it's destination I can post this.

A few months ago I posted one of those PIF memes, and because LJ is dying and no-one is here, only sillie82 signed up. (Or maybe everyone hates my crafts!)

Since I only had one, and because sillie82 is amazingly artistically talented I decided to go all out. sillie82's big love is Supernatural so I was definitely going make her something Spn themed. I've been turning the idea over for a while and eventually decided that I would try and put together a hunter's care package. I'm actually quite smug about how this all turned out so am sharing it here too.

Firstly I got a box from hobbycraft. Painting is so not my forte so I tried out spray painting. I set it up in my kitchen (because it's the last room that has had no work done on it) and got going. Spray painting is awesome. Even someone entirely deficient in art skills like myself can produce something acceptable.

Since this is a hunter's box - I decided to make it a lockbox and draw a Devil's trap on it. Which was a much better idea in theory than in practice - see my previous point about my art skills. But after a few tries I don't think it was too bad?

Then onto things I can actually do. Since the first thing in any hunter's arsenal is rock salt, I knew it had to make an appearance. But I didn't want to just send a pouch of salt. After a failed experiment with rock salt candy, I decided to make a body scrub.

So this is a rosemary, lavender and lemon body scrub. I used sea salt (it looks a little like rocks), olive oil, a squeeze of lemons and added some chopped rosemary and lavender from the garden. These scrubs are so much cheaper than buying them and I think they feel just as good.

Next up: Dead Man's Blood. I am...somewhat behind on my Supernatural so a lot of this is old school Spn. The glass jar is from some random liqueur I bought in Hungary but I made a dessert sauce. To try and get the right colour I boiled cherries (bought fresh if you can't grow your own), blueberries (that I have never successfully grown...), water, sugar, a dash of vanilla and some lemon juice to preserve it. Once the fruits were soft I chucked the whole lot in a blender.

I am very familiar with blood and it's not actually a bad likeness.

I bought some fabric to make hex bags and decided to fill them with sweets that wouldn't be too greasy and would travel. And as truffles are easy I went with those! These had to be dairy free for sillie82 so I used a high cocoa dark chocolate, coconut cream and a few drops of orange essence in case it needed sweetening, then rolled them in icing sugar or desiccated coconut when set.

A slightly less permanent version of Dean and Sam's tattoos! Nothing fancy, just a five strand braid with caps and the pendant attached.

And lastly, the pie. Because this is Dean Winchester and you can't forget the pie. It was my first attempt at dairy free pastry - and we don't currently have an oven (the kitchen is a disaster) - so I wasn't sure it would work. I haven't tried them because I can't eat gluten but Hal happily ate the rest. So unless he lied and snuck them into the bin while I was at work then I think we're ok!

(Whoops, I didn't actually take any pictures of the pie, so you will have to take my word for it that there were mini apple pies. That didn't actually fit into the box so Dean couldn't protect them from demons)

Finally I wrapped the whole thing in LOADS of packaging and sent it across the ocean to sillie82. Thankfully it made it there safe and sound. :)

fandom shiny, tv: saving people hunting things, meme time
