Accomplices, (Castle, PG)

Aug 25, 2009 22:12

By Lokei
Universe: Castle (TV)
AN: A snippet of silliness for romanticalgirl, on the occasion of her birthday. It always helps to have an accomplice you can trust. And if you want more Castle, I recently discovered that they wrote Heat Wave as a tie-in promo, and the first few chapters are available from the ABC site in pdf. Also, they have Ryan's ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

romanticalgirl August 26 2009, 02:49:53 UTC
::loves:: Alexis and Castle are awesome, as are you. Thank you so much!


lokei August 26 2009, 19:43:37 UTC
You're welcome! Happy Birthday week!


oxoniensis August 26 2009, 19:30:21 UTC
I've only watched on episode, but that was enough to know this was perfectly them. Fun!


lokei August 26 2009, 19:44:07 UTC
Thanks! I had fun with it. I wish they'd given me more to play with, but they were happy with stopping at a snippet.


musesfool August 27 2009, 14:24:00 UTC
This is adorable.


lokei August 27 2009, 17:46:18 UTC


ayiana August 27 2009, 22:28:46 UTC
“You were learning how to pick locks for a section of that book, and you taught me,” Alexis reminded him. “And since a certain someone we both know was snooping around in here looking for these,” she waved the sheaf of papers again, “I figured it was better if I got to them first.”

HEE! Perfect voicing there. This is a lovely, amusing little fic. Thanks for the smile.


lokei August 28 2009, 00:08:59 UTC
Thank you! I completely adore Alexis.


farwing August 30 2009, 15:27:39 UTC
Yay! More Castle fic! This is adorable.


lokei August 30 2009, 16:34:33 UTC
So glad you enjoyed it!


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