Accomplices, (Castle, PG)

Aug 25, 2009 22:12

By Lokei
Universe: Castle (TV)
AN: A snippet of silliness for romanticalgirl, on the occasion of her birthday. It always helps to have an accomplice you can trust. And if you want more Castle, I recently discovered that they wrote Heat Wave as a tie-in promo, and the first few chapters are available from the ABC site in pdf. Also, they have Ryan's character-blog linked there, which is hilarious.

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“How about I watch my ass and you watch the crowd?” Alexis’ voice was full of disbelief as she waved a sheaf of papers at her father from the doorway. “Dad, Detective Beckett’s going to kill you for making her character say something like that.”

Castle looked up from where he’d been ruffling through his desk drawers. “Who, ‘Kiss me and I’ll kill you’ Katie? It’s spot on.”

“That’s why she’s going to murder you,” Alexis said promptly, crossing the room as he beckoned. “And Jameson Rook? I get the ‘rook’ part, but why on earth would you give yourself a name like Jameson?”

Castle raised his eyebrows comically. “I don’t know whether it is a relief to me as a father that you are too young to drink and too law abiding to ignore that fact, or appalled that a daughter of mine is not aware of the manifold beauties of whiskey.” At Alexis’s expected eyeroll, he continued, “Whiskey is an excellent thing-a little too strong if you’re not prepared for it, smooth once you get past the initial bite, and it warms you up once you get used to it.”

“And that’s not at all a conceited reason to name your character Jameson,” Alexis replied, circling the desk to plop comfortably in her father’s lap like she had since she was small.

“It’s a perfect conceit, actually. Because that’s the kind of answer I’ll give if some reporter or avid fan asks why his name is Jameson. But mostly I just like the name,” Castle muttered into her hair, and she grinned.

“But what this particular nosy writer wants to know,” he added, “is why you have the only printed copy of the first six chapters of Heat Wave, which I left locked in this desk drawer here only last night?”

“Storm Surge,” she said smugly, settling more comfortably against him as he made unconvincing groans about her size compared to when she was seven.

“Sold several million copies more than it should have,” he agreed complacently. “But that doesn’t answer my question.”

“You were learning how to pick locks for a section of that book, and you taught me,” Alexis reminded him. “And since a certain someone we both know was snooping around in here looking for these,” she waved the sheaf of papers again, “I figured it was better if I got to them first.”

“Ah, the fabulous and fabulously sneaky Martha, mother dearest and spoiler-source in training,” Rick squeezed his daughter around the middle before setting them both on their feet. “Good work, Watson.”

“Why thank you, Holmes.” She eluded his attempt to relieve her of the paper. “I was also thinking that it was better for me to hide these than you.”

“Oh, really? And why would that be?”

“Several reasons,” she grinned. “First, your hiding places are all really obvious. It’s like you want someone to read them, just so you can have the fun of complaining when they do. Why do you even print them out if you don’t want people to see?”

“It doesn’t feel like the words are really there until I see them on paper,” he admitted sheepishly, trailing her into the kitchen. “Can I have them back now? We can put them in a Ziploc and hide them in the freezer.”

“Not going to work, I’m afraid. I cleared out those tv dinner rejects from the 90’s last week, so you can actually see what’s in the freezer now.”

He shook his head at her. “And how do you know I wasn’t keeping story notes in there?”

“I checked,” she grinned again. “But you distracted me from my list. So. Second, You Know Who never bothers to look in my room, because she thinks I haven’t got anything interesting to hide. Which I don’t, except for what’s yours.”

He chuckled, passed her the ice cream container and toasted her with the scoop. “Here’s to accomplices!”

Sticking the spoon directly into the carton, she winked. “Cheers.”


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