Scary Times at Work and Veronica Mars

May 04, 2011 08:57

I am dreading work this week.  It's not just because of the seven days straight, although that sucks by day 6.  There have been a lot of robberies lately on 3rd shift in the city and I'm pretty sure I caught someone "casing" my place Monday morning.  My boss isn't taking it too seriously but the police did.  Took a statement and parked across the ( Read more... )

work, flashpoint, enrico colantoni, veronica mars

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Comments 6

tristen84 May 4 2011, 17:09:48 UTC
Geez! That sounds terrifying! Glad the police are taking it seriously even if your boss isn't. You won't be alone in the store though, will you?

Yes, a scary Ed would be good. And Spike keeping an eye on security cameras, Sam or Jules in Sierra position, Wordy for moral support and Greg in case somebody needs to be talked down ;o) Be safe! *hugs!*


loisarah May 6 2011, 18:53:39 UTC
Thanks for the virtual hugs. =) I'm not alone in the store. I couldn't handle that, there's a few of us there at night. At least as of last night the police were still watching the store. I've noticed them pulling into their "hiding spot" which is actually a great place to sit and watch the store. The only reason I know they're there is because I've seen them pull in. Once the headlights go off you can't see the squad car at all.

My seventh night is tonight. I don't want to get robbed but if it has to be either me or the person who works the other seven day stretch I'd rather it be me. I'm not sure she'd be able to handle it. I'm hoping if anything happens the police see it all and get him/them. I think it's two of them.

Maybe you could just send me scowly Spike from your icon. I'd feel safe then. ;)

Hmmmm... need a distraction... how are you? Any new spoilers? I think Flashpoint is coming back in less than a month. I hope it is, anyway.


tristen84 May 8 2011, 10:29:59 UTC
How did your last shift go?

I hope that if they do decide to make a move on your store that the police'll still be there and will be able to prevent anything really bad from happening. I think it's great that they're taking you so seriously and that they've been watching your store. I really hope it'll pay off.

Yes, scowly Spike should be fear-inducing, though he seems a little busy at the moment...

BUT! Spoilers I can help you with! :oD Just posted a few new spoiler pics on my LJ (though they're pretty minor spoilers) and I'll post more once I get some time. Hope this helps a little bit with the distraction ;o)


loisarah May 8 2011, 17:34:10 UTC
my shift went okay. there's new drama but not of the dangerous criminals variety. I hope he/they're caught soon and I guess there are some leads for them to look into.


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