Title: The Vision Job by Jesterlady Rating: PG Pairing: Veronica/Logan Series: Half a Stranger Summary: Veronica and her friends steal the future, Leverage style Disclaimer: I don't own VM, ATS, BTVS, or Leverage. Most of the dialogue is from Leverage.
calculus of a single variable veronica mars | veronica; veronica/logan, keith, wallace, mac, piz post season three | pg-13 | 2000 | oneshot "you're often tied up. I rescue you, sometimes.”
Title: your life will not flash before your eyes Author: youcallitwinter Pairing: logan; logan/veronica, duncan Rating: r Word count: 7000 Summary: She shakes her head, "I don't know why I bother." The tone is playful, but he can make out the effort behind it. She doesn't try to explain again afterwards. He doesn't know why she does either. Bother. He doesn't say that
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Title: i knew you were trouble when you walked in Author: youcallitwinter Pairing: veronica; logan/veronica; piz/veronica, logan/oc, keith, wallace Rating: nc-17 Word count: 17,000 Summary: And, it's just- Logan had always been her intense high-school romance, sure. But she had, somewhere along the way, in some secret corner of her mind, convinced herself that was all
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you can't save anyone veronica mars | veronica; veronica/logan | pg-13 | If she's judging the day by the things he says, she can never quite tell what time-frame they’re in.
just like the robinson's affair veronica mars | veronica; veronica/logan, wallace, mac, cassidy, dick hard r | post season 2 | warning: mentions of rape, sex, language. | > 3000
"I'm not Caitlin Ford," she snaps, once. | The summer of constantly breaking down up.
hypertext veronica mars | veronica; veronica/logan, wallace, mac, cassidy, dick, weevil nc-17 | post season 2 | warning: mentions of rape, sex, language. | > 4700 The Age of Innocence, she thinks, for no particular reason | The summer of becoming.
they don't make morning after pills for this veronica mars | veronica; veronica/logan, wallace, cassidy, mac | hard r | post season 2 | warning: mentions of rape, sex, language. | > 3800 And he says: "you could let me love you, sometimes, you know, Veronica." | The summer of forgetting.