Title: Deliver Me
Genre: Angst/Drama
Rating: G (for now)
'Verse: AU
A/N: This was a long forgotten fic I was reminded of by
dutchxfan, I began this way back in 09, inspired by the film "Leon: The Professional", it's unbetad - so I apologise for any mistakes. Some of the dialogue is from the film and marked *. This may become an eternal WIP as I'm once again
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Comments 7
Well, good luck then. XD
Thanks, I eagerly anticipate seeing more Over the Rainbow in the future :)
Um hello, two of my fave movies and partnerships - can't say ships coz Leon wasn't ever a love ship coz she was a kid. I guess that's the similarity with both situations is that they meet when it's a kid/mentor thing but this creates a relationship that isn't just fatherly, and the way that the male in both cases acts towards the kid is so similar - Wolverine and Leon...some great parallels there. With both scenarios I've always been interested in how they would relate when the girl grows up. I'm so interested to see where you could take this - I would definitely read more :)
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