Fic: Deliver Me, 2/?

Apr 13, 2013 16:15

Title: Deliver Me
Genre: Angst/Drama
Rating: G (for now)
'Verse: AU

A/N: This was a long forgotten fic I was reminded of by dutchxfan, I began this way back in 09, inspired by the film "Leon: The Professional", it's unbetad - so I apologise for any mistakes. Some of the dialogue is from the film and marked *. This may become an eternal WIP as I'm once again testing the writing waters. Part 1 here


The coppery scent hits him at the bottom of the stairs - by the time he’s at the top, he can see her, standing there, hand at her nose trying to stem the flow. He feels the prickle of heat under his skin as the blood rushes with his anger up to his head - not sure if it’s the sight of blood on her or the fact that she’s there again making him angry.

What’s with this kid, huh? Half seven in the fucking morning and she’s there, shouldn’t she be in bed or at school or something?

He’d only just dragged himself out from under the blonde this morning, nearly stepped on the red-head on his way to the door, with his pants and enough money to do him for the duration. A quick stop at this dump to grab his stuff and then to the cabin. Instead, he gets back to this.

She turns away as he gets closer, without thinking he pulls a dirty scrap of towel from his pocket and shoves it into her other hand. Finally, her eyes meet his.

“Is life always this hard? Or’s it just when you’re a kid?”*

He looks at her with drying blood smeared on her face, the same jaded expression he sees in the mirror, “Always like this. Keep it.”*


Once inside, he takes a deep breath, before grabbing his duffel to cram his stuff in. Less than twenty minutes later, his truck is loaded and he’s handing his key to the asshole that likes to beat on kids. The girl is nowhere in sight as he steps in the truck, automatically he scans the place for a glimpse of her before starting up the engine. The scent of copper still lingers as he drives off.


Its halfway up the highway before he notices that the scent of her blood isn’t just in his head but in the truck with him. Hitting the brakes, he hears the rustle of the tarp over his motorcycle before he’s stepped out.

“Get out!”

She eases back the tarp before climbing out and just stands there facing him.

“What the hell you doin?”

“Sorry, I needed a ride, thought you might help me.”

He pulls out her rucksack and throws it to the ground, and climbs back inside his truck. Before he can close the door, she’s there, looking at him with defiance which is fucking ridiculous cause he doesn’t know her.

“Where am I supposed to go?”

“I don’t know.” He starts up the engine.

“You don’t know or you don’t care?”

“Pick one.”

He reaches for the door, but she grabs it before him, “Please.”

He pulls it closed, puts the truck into gear and drives off - hitting the breaks, for a second time, a minute later. He rolls down the window and yells, “I can’t wait forever.”

As he shoves the truck into gear again, he glances at the girl in the seat beside him.

genre: angst, universe: au, author: ellebell6, rating: g, fic, genre: drama

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