Fic: Journal Of A (Former) Cage Fighter

Aug 03, 2012 14:09

Fic: Journal Of A (Former) Cage Fighter
Rating: R - for bad language.
Verse: X3
Summary: This ficlet is written in the form of an LJ entry. Logan shares his feelings about life at Xavier's. This is a companion piece to “Marie’s LJ Rant”.

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author: karen, genre: humor, universe: x3 (the last stand), rating: r, fic

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Comments 7

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kittenrescue August 7 2012, 13:47:31 UTC
As Bobby mentioned in one of my fics, Logan appears to be 'clothes repellant'. LOL


jaq_of_spades August 4 2012, 07:23:02 UTC
"lick me" bwahaha! I enjoyed the whole thing but that tiny little detail just made it for me :D


kittenrescue August 7 2012, 13:48:00 UTC
Glad you noticed that little detail. :)


dutchxfan August 4 2012, 07:49:07 UTC
Hahaha! The 'Lick me' comment button is awesome. I also love how he doesn't even pretend to be a good guy. At least he's honest with himself in his journal. :D

I somehow missed Marie's LJ Rant. Do you have a link?

EDIT: got it, sorry. I thought Marie's LJ Rant was the title of the fic. *rolls eyes at self*


kittenrescue August 7 2012, 13:49:03 UTC
Originally the ficlet was called Marie's LJ Rant - so hence the confusion.

I love how everyone noticed the 'lick me' detail. *hee*


paradisekendra August 4 2012, 19:56:35 UTC
I also love the "lick me". Too hilarious! *laughs* It's the little details that are so precious. The accurate recreation of an LJ amazes me too, geeze. Love it!


kittenrescue August 7 2012, 13:51:55 UTC
Jonas hosted Marie's entry on his website and he created the overall look of an LJ for me.


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