Fic: Journal Of A (Former) Cage Fighter

Aug 03, 2012 14:09

Fic: Journal Of A (Former) Cage Fighter
Rating: R - for bad language.
Verse: X3
Summary: This ficlet is written in the form of an LJ entry. Logan shares his feelings about life at Xavier's. This is a companion piece to “Marie’s LJ Rant”.

Date: 2006-08-03 11:28
Subject: Pervy Thoughts
Security: Protected
Mood: Horny
Tags: Marie, random thoughts, fantasies

Write it down. Don’t always express it verbally (or with my fists) Chuck had told me … repeatedly.

So here I am banging away on a laptop trying to exercise a bit of self-control instead of being in the Danger Room and pounding a holographic version of Scott into something that looks like road kill. I should have some respect - seeing as Jean apparently vaporized him at Alkali Lake, but I just can’t do it. Chuck is the one with a bronze statute out in the garden, but it’s Cyke who’s still on a pedestal. Well, fuck him. Yeah … I said it. Thanks to him getting himself killed, Storm has asked me to stick around and continue teaching the kids. Jubilee has even started calling me Professor Logan - which makes some of the girls giggle. Of course I know why. And I have to admit I’ve fantasized about the possibility of an inappropriate teacher-student relationship with a certain cute co-ed. I don’t think anyone would be shocked that there’s a porn movie on a constant loop in my head.

Note to self: Add shower gel to shopping list.

I tried to distract myself by flirting with Storm, but she told me she knew I was only interested in her because Jean was (permanently) dead. Whatever. Although I gotta admit I’m not used to rejection and it sucks. I’ve been walking around shirtless even more - just to let her see what she’s missing.

Okay, maybe the bare chest was for Marie’s benefit too. When she’d told me she was gonna get the cure, I said I wasn’t her father and she shouldn’t be doing it just for some boy. What I really wanted her to get out of that was we’re not related and I’m no boy. But for some reason I tend to get tongue-tied around her and only say about half of what I’m thinking.

Jeannie had mentioned that Marie had a crush on me. She thought it was sweet … and laughable. Meanwhile, I was marking off the days on the calendar until she was legal. I’m a creative guy, so I never was too worried about her skin. But now that’s no longer an issue … bonus. And now she’s dumped that little dweeb Bobby, I don’t have to scare him away from her. I like less work for myself. The only time I exert any effort is thinking of all the different ways I wanna have Marie. If I wrote them down, it would look like a letter to Hustler magazine.

Oh to hell with waiting for more soap, I think I need some alone time a nice cool shower now.

Cage Fighter | Lick me | Add to Memories | Link

author: karen, genre: humor, universe: x3 (the last stand), rating: r, fic

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