The Show Must Go On- (2/2)

Mar 20, 2012 14:04

Title: The Show Must Go On

Author: alexmonalisa

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*

Feedback: Better than chocolate cake and bacon!

Summary: Post X2

Author’s notes: For some reason I couldn't just upload the whole story so I broke it down.

Another mindless crime )

universe: x2 (x-men united), rating: pg-13, genre: shipperfic, author: alexmonalisa, fic, genre: drama

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Comments 1

kittenrescue April 4 2012, 23:29:59 UTC
When it came right down it, Logan chose Rogue over Jean ... which says it all.

I'm glad they got things resolved and have agreed to give themselves a chance.


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