The Show Must Go On- (2/2)

Mar 20, 2012 14:04

Title: The Show Must Go On

Author: alexmonalisa

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*

Feedback: Better than chocolate cake and bacon!

Summary: Post X2

Author’s notes: For some reason I couldn't just upload the whole story so I broke it down.


Rogue stared at her reflection in the mirror and sighed. She sat in her underwear by the dressing table of her room at Worthington Mansion, feeling depression hit her hard. It was difficult, putting on a brave face and just going along with life. Tonight was the night that the announcement would be made about her and Warren's engagement. Mr Worthington had invited friends, family, foreign dignitaries, the press and the x-men. Marie hadn't been able to tell anyone at the mansion not even Xavier. She'd spent the last two weeks with Warren, getting to know her future husband. He was sweet, kind and like her, afraid of his mutation. They both wondered if whether they'd ever be loved and both doubted love existed for them. They decided to announce the wedding tonight and then have it in a week. No delayed engagements, they needed to get the marriage over with so they could live their lives. A knock on the door broke her from her thoughts and she hastily shrugged on her robe.

"Who is it?"

"It's me... Warren. Are you ready?" he asked through the door.

"No... not yet. Give me a few more minutes."

"Okay. I'll be waiting downstairs."

Rogue nodded to herself and waited until his footsteps faded away before shrugging off her robe. She picked up the green floor length dress on her bed and carefully put it on; using what was left of Magneto's power to pull up the zipper. Her hair was already in a tight bun on her head, her jewellery in place and her make-up on. Lastly, she slowly slipped on an elbow length pair of emerald gloves. It never mattered that she could control her skin; she'd always be another mutant.

"The show must go on." She whispered.

Grabbing her purse, she walked to the door and headed out of her room. She walked through the corridors of the mansion and descended downstairs to the grand hall where the guests were. Warren was waiting for at the door, looking gorgeous in his tux, wings visible and proud. He truly looked like an angel. He held his hand out and she took it gratefully, feeling a little nervous as the doors opened. The music stopped as they walked in and the guests all turned to face them. Mr Worthington smiled from his position at the middle of the room. He cleared his throat and all eyes turned to him.

"And now ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to announce the reason you are all here. I'd like you to raise your glasses to toast the engagement of my son, Warren Worthington the third, to Anna Rogue Xavier. To the happy couple."

"To the happy couple."

Marie smiled and accepted the champagne filled glass handed to her. She scanned the crowd and her gaze stopped at a familiar group in the corner. Xavier, Hank, Scott, Ororo and Logan were standing together, holding their champagne glasses but making no movement to raise them. Scott and Ororo looked at her with sadness, Xavier with concern, Hank with confusion and Logan... Logan eyes blazed with fury and rage that had her heart freezing. They weren't going to be happy for her. She felt her heart break into a thousand pieces, the rejection ripping through her, a small tear clinging to the corner of her eye. She blinked a few times, keeping her head turned away, then turned back to face the crowd, her smile still in place. Warren wrapped his arm around hers and led her into the crowd, introducing her to everyone he knew, Mr Worthington walking beside his son, showing everyone how accepting of mutants he was. After an hour of meet and greet, Rogue felt tired and excused herself from Warren and his father, walking over to where Xavier and the others were standing. Logan had his back turned as she approached, and Marie struggled to keep her smile on.

"I'm so glad you all could come." She whispered.

"Rogue... why?" asked Ororo.

"This is what I want."

"Is it really?" questioned Xavier.

"Yes. I hope to see you all at the wedding."

"This isn't right." Whispered Scott.

"Oh my god. You all hate me so much that seeing me happy sickens you. Let me tell you something, the only person I invited here was Xavier and Hank. They're my family and I would do anything for them. The rest of you wish me dead instead of Jean. I'm done trying to win your hearts back."

Rogue turned and stalked off towards the bar, a glass of whiskey waiting for her as she arrived. She smiled gratefully at the bartender and downed her drink gracefully, before walking over to Warren. He was talking to a few members of the mutant counselling association but excused himself as he saw her approaching.

"Anna? Are you alright?"

"Yes. I'm fine, thank you."

He nodded and gestured to a woman who Rogue was familiar with.


"Chica! I've missed you."

Rogue embraced her friend before pulling back and admiring the beautiful lemon ball gown she wore.

"Oh Jubes, what are you doing here?"

"Now that I have my psychology degree, I'm becoming a counsellor for mutants considering the cure."

"Jubilee was just telling me how she planned to take a tour of one of the cure centres and I was just suggesting the one on Alcatraz Island." Explained Warren.

"Oh, then you could meet Jimmy! He is a sweet kid."

"I look forward to that." Said Jubilee excitedly.

"I was hoping to introduce Jubilee to Dr Rao." Said Warren, looking over his shoulder.

"Oh yes, of course you must meet her... I'll be in the garden."

"Are you sure Anna?"

"Yes... I just need some air."

Warren nodded and held out his arm which Jubilee took. Rogue watched as her two friends walked away laughing, her heart feeling a little heavier at the obvious spark between them. Turning towards the double doors to her right, Rogue hurried towards them and slipped out into the cool evening. She walked towards the stone bench under a giant oak tree and sat down, closing her eyes.


Rogue's eyes snapped open and she looked to her left where Logan stood smoking a cigar. He walked over to her and leaned against the tree, staring at her.

"Don't use that name." She hissed.

"It's your name-"

"No, I'm Rogue. I'm the untouchable Rogue."

"Whatever kid."

"Don't call me kid!"

"That's what you are Marie. Just a kid playing dress-up."

Rogue slammed down her fists on the bench and stood up, pointing a finger at him.

"What's your problem Wolverine? Why do you care what I do?"

"I'm your friend-"

"Friend? FRIEND? If you were my friend, where have been these past few weeks? A friend wouldn't have left me to deal with an onslaught of memories that I couldn't sort, a friend wouldn't have shunned me when I was being made an outcast by everyone I knew, a friend would have shown a simple act of kindness when I got fucking mauled by the Brotherhood. You are... one of them."

"So that's what this is about? You're getting married to run away from it all."

"No! I'm marrying Warren because it will unite humans and mutants."

"That's not a reason to get married."

Rogue narrowed her eyes and turned away from him. She stared at the open doors of the grand hall, looking at the people that passed by, smiling, laughing and generally not panicking that they were in a room full of mutants. This was what she wanted; this is what they all wanted. A peaceful co-existence.

"I think... I think you're just afraid Marie."

"Of what?"

"Being alone."

"So what? No-one wants to be alone."

"You don't have to marry him."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah... you'll always have me."

"Your heart belongs to someone else... remember?"

She felt Logan freeze behind her and she smiled in triumph. She turned slowly, crossing her arms over her chest and staring at him defiantly.

"You saw." He whispered.

"Yup. If you had ever asked I would have told you that I absorbed Jean... not Phoenix. I know you loved her... and she choose Scott."

Logan growled and stepped closer to her, his eyes blazing with anger. Rogue smirked and pulled off a glove, running a finger down his cheek. He closed his eyes at the sensation and she felt sadness roll through her.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have..."

Rogue paused, then shook her head and stepped back from him, looking away.

"You're not the one who had to kill her. They hate me... not you." Said Logan softly.

"I wish that was true."

She sighed and lifted her dress, carefully treading back towards the open doors of the grand hall.

"It's possible to love more than one person." He whispered.

Rogue stopped and sighed, turning her head to whisper over her shoulder;

"I know but... the problem is I don't love you."


Rogue sat opposite Xavier stirring her peppermint tea before taking a sip. Placing the cup down, she stood up and walked to the window, looking out at the x-kids playing.

"It was a beautiful wedding." She remarked.

"Yes... Warren is a lucky man. Though I must enquire about you-"

"I'm fine. I wasn't in love with Warren. Jubilee was."

"I see." Said Xavier, stirring his Earl Grey, before taking a sip.

"They'll be happy. I would have been a dedicated wife but who wants a dedicated wife when you can have someone you really connect with... someone you don't have to pretend with."

"How true... and of course his father still gets a mutant bride for his son."


"What will you do now?"

"Who knows... it's very quiet around here, where is everyone?" she asked, listening to the silence from the corridor.

"Scott is at a conference, carrying on Jean's work to oppose all plans of a mutant registration act."

"They're still pushing for that?" asked Rogue in surprise.

"There will always be one or two people that resent the idea of mutants."

"I see. What about the others?"

"Ororo is helping Kurt to renovate the church in Boston so that mutants can go there to worship without being shunned because of who they are. Katherine and Robert are recruiting students for the new school year. Hank is downstairs in the med-lab going through a few medical records and Logan is on a mission."

"What mission?"

"Just the regular infiltrating a mutant lab."

"Alone... why didn't he take someone with?"

"I did advise him to take a partner but, he said that he only ever trusted one person to 'have his back' and that person didn't need him anymore."

"Fool." Whispered Rogue.

She closed her eyes and shook her head before taking her seat again and staring into her tea.


"He's not invincible. Especially with the cure out there."

"It seems the x-men have taken your advice. Having seen you almost sacrifice your happiness for the sake of mutant kind, they saw how their withdrawal was doing no good. But you should know, they never hated you."

"Then why-"

"I have no answer; I'm only a mind reader. I do not know the hearts of my x-men. But maybe it's because you get to keep a little of Jean. Sorrow makes us all react a little differently. You know I've watched you all change these past few months. You're all different people."

"Are we?"

"Of course. Scott is stronger than ever before, Ororo has allowed herself to love, Jubilee is more mature and you... you've outgrown the fear of your skin. You've become an independent woman, so different from the scared girl you were when you first arrived. Logan has changed as well."

"Really? He still seems like the same stubborn bastard to me."

"Perhaps that's true, but he's still here. He's offered to be the school's gym teacher."

Rogue frowned and finished her tea, before pushing away her cup.

"I told him I don't love him." She whispered.

"I see."

"But he loves me."

"I'm well aware of that."

"You are?"

"You aren't the only one I have these one to one chats with in my office."

"How can he love me?"

"Ah, you're referring to something he said to Jean. What you have to understand Rogue is that Logan saw a girl to protect back then. He did love you, but not in a passionate way. But nevertheless it was love. You're a different woman now... one he would kill for."

"What are you saying?"

"I think you know."

"That doesn't change the fact that I don't love him."

"Perhaps you don't want to hear this but... you never did love him."

"What?" she hissed.

"Please, let me explain. You cared for him, adored him... perhaps even worshipped him. Back then he was flawless, no matter what he did, you were adamant that your feelings wouldn't change. But they have. Everything you do now, the first reaction you look for is Logan's. In the past, whatever reaction he gave, you still worshiped him. But now you've finally noticed his flaws."

Rogue shook her head and stood up, suddenly feeling overwhelmed.

"I need to go."


"I'm sorry."


Rogue sat in the darkness of the med-lab, having been there for the past six hours, tears falling silently down her cheek. She understood now. She had been wrong, so wrong when it came to Logan. He didn't just love her, he would kill for her. She knew if it was possible, he would die for her. Xavier was right, people change... but it was more than that. Things had shifted been her and Logan. Rogue didn't want to admit it, but it was true what Xavier had said. She had worshiped Logan. She craved his attention and sought it out. In the past she watched for his approval, now she looked for something more.

Rogue had done her part, keeping the x-men's good name unsoiled, eliminating the enemy and building the foundation for a better future. But now that the rest had stepped up to assume their role, where did that leave her? With everyone back to normal, she realised that she'd been wrong. Xavier was right, she did have a part of Jean, and that was something no-one would ever have. But she realised that they all had memories of her and that was enough to pull them out of the sombre mood that had gripped the mansion. Scott was telling the truth when he said they didn't hate her, but at the time Rogue couldn't listen. She just needed to ensure that everything went to plan. But she forgot the most important thing. No matter what this was her family, the only family that accepted her.

Sighing she looked up as the med-lab door open and the lights turned on. Logan stumbled in, top half of his uniform torn, his chest covered in blood. Rogue sprang up and started gathering cloths, scissors and a bowl full of warm water. Logan sat down on the bed she'd just been sitting on and looked down at the floor. Rogue stood by his side, and started by cutting off the remainder of the top half of his uniform. Once it was off, she started washing away the blood and skin off his torso. Once she was done, she let her hands wonder over his chest feeling the warmth that spread even through her gloves.

"I know I'm not perfect but, at the end of the day... who is?" whispered Logan.

Rogue head snapped up and she gazed into his hazel eyes. She slowly, without looking away, removed her gloves and took one of his hands in hers.

"Why did you kill Jean?" she asked softly.

"You know why."

"I need to hear you say it."

"I could touch you and show you how I feel... but I don't want the easy way out. I want to prove to you that I love you."

"Then just say it. Please."

"You mean everything to me. I refuse to let you die."

"Why do you love me now?"

"You're strong... there's a fire in your eyes that ignites me. I can't describe it but I want you. No... I need you Marie."

"I thought you hated me."

"I'm a monster... I stayed away from you for your own good. But it cut me deep to hear you think I wished you dead. I nearly drove me insane when I saw how the Brotherhood had hurt you."

He looked at her face and touched the burn mark on her jaw, before moving his fingers to her lips, running his thumb over her bottom lip before sighing and dropping his hand.

"It broke my heart when you chose someone else." He whispered.

Rogue looked away from his intense gave, taking the bowl of water to the sink and tipping it out. She disposed of the cloths now stained with blood and then took a t-shirt from the store cupboard and tossed it towards Logan.


"How did the mission go?"

Logan sighed and shook his head, pulling on the t-shirt. She tossed him a pair of sweats and turned around to give him some privacy.

"The mutants had escaped already. All I needed to do was clean up a few loose ends. The usual getting rid of all their research and all that shit."

"Oh... next time take a partner."

She turned around and walked towards the door. His hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards him. Her face was pressed against his chest and he buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent.

"Don't walk away... please."


"It's not that late... do you wanna go somewhere? Anywhere? Your choice. It's okay if you don't love me... just don't cut me out completely."

"Logan... I lied. I do love you. But I don't know if we can be together."

"Why not?"

"We're different. We want different things."

"I want to be with you. But if that's not what you want... just let me be close to you."

Rogue pulled back to look up at his expression, seeing his gaze filled with love and determination. And she realised she didn't have to give up love for duty. She could be the role model she had set out to be and still have Logan.

'Girls flirt with the dangerous guy Logan, they don't take them home.'

And it suddenly clicked in place. She was rejecting Logan because she saw him as danger, as a fling. But Logan was nothing close to that. Logan was good and pure because she was with him. And Rogue... no Marie, could be stronger with him by her side because he made her better, stronger. She leaned up and pressed her lips to his, gasping as he wrapped his arms around her and returned the kiss.

"Marie..." he whispered.

They pulled back to stare in each other's eyes and Rogue felt a smile spread across her face.

"I'm sorry Logan. I never realised that by rejecting you I made you feel unworthy."

He smiled and kissed her cheek, running his hands along her back.

"Come on, let's go." He whispered, reaching out to take her hand.

He brushed a kiss across her knuckles and Rogue giggled, curling her fingers around his.

"Where?" she whispered.

"Anywhere darling, as long as we're together."


universe: x2 (x-men united), rating: pg-13, genre: shipperfic, author: alexmonalisa, fic, genre: drama

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