Fic: The Show Must Go On -(1/2)

Mar 20, 2012 14:00

Title: The Show Must Go On

Author: alexmonalisa

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*

Feedback: Better than steak and chips and bacon!

Summary: Post X2.- "Another hero, another mindless crime. Behind the curtain, in the pantomime. On and on, does anybody know what we are living for..." After the x-men lose someone precious, Rogue decides to take a stand and continue with Xavier's dream.

A/N: The Show Must Go On- Based On The Moulin Rouge version of the song.


Rogue closed the door of her room softly with a deep sigh. She ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. The mansion was quiet today, laced with pain because of the death of Jean Grey. The woman who had saved them and the woman who had nearly destroyed them all. They'd lost her at Alkali Lake, only to have Scott and Logan find her again. The men had brought the woman they loved back home but when the professor tried to scan her mind she had lashed out. The Phoenix was born and died an hour later when Rogue had confused her by draining some energy and Logan had plunged his claws through her. Jean had turned to kill Rogue and Logan had had to step in once again to save her life, only to risk a part of his life. Or at least that's how it had felt. That was two days ago and no-one spoke to her. For some it was personal, their anger at her power not being able to completely draw out the Phoenix from their friend/lover/mentor turned into bitter disappointment. Others were too absorbed in grief to speak to anyone. Rogue didn't bother trying to make amends. What people didn't know was that she had Jean Grey not Phoenix in her head. The faded presence of Jean guided her through the motions of helping the school mourn. As with all Rogues' personalities, she kept a certain few characteristics. With Magneto, she kept his bitterness towards humanity, his intelligence and his appreciation for fine things. With Bobby it was his humour, with Pyro his quick temper and with Logan, his instincts, cravings and self-loathing. Now with Jean, she felt a sense of duty overwhelm her as well as for once feeling more feminine than masculine.

Sighing, she walked down the gloomy halls, the sombre atmosphere settling in her bones. She walked slowly down the hallway, ears straining to hear any movement. She paused at a mirror and scanned over her appearance. A simple black dress that fell to her knees, a black blazer, flesh coloured tights and black stilettos. There were sheer black gloves on her hands and a black scarf around her neck but there wasn't actually a need for them. She could control her powers thanks to Jean. She'd been asleep last night and Jean's fading personality had built the blocks in her mind that would allow her to turn her power on and off. But Rogue feared what would happen if she told anyone. They'd probably condemn her for using Jean. They'd hate her more and claim she took pleasure in sucking out the soul of an innocent woman, leaving only a monster. She took one last look in the mirror, making sure that her hair was still perfectly pinned in the tight bun on top of her head, before moving to walk down the staircase to the first floor.

As she reached the first floor, she hovered on the stairs remembering a year and a few months ago when Jean had stepped down these stairs, her heart torn in two at the sight of Logan back from his trip and Scott, who was telling her how much he loved her through their psychic connection. As Rogue stepped onto the first floor, she remembered her own reaction. How she'd flung herself at Logan, pretended she didn't miss him and then threw Bobby in his face, trying to get a reaction. But there was not one spark of jealously and for once in her life, Rogue didn't care. She was had broken up with Bobby, confessing to him that Kitty was madly in love with him and that she knew he felt the same. She didn't need love anymore. From now on, her duty was to mutants of the world. Her duty was to make sure the x-men didn't fall. She walked slowly over the first floor, passing the doors to the classrooms, rec rooms, dining hall and small kitchen. She stopped by the front door and took a deep breath.

Her hand settled on the newly built entrance to the mansion. Jean had ripped the door off her hinges in an attempt to escape. Rogue looked around her and closed her eyes. She had never felt so alone in her life. Slowly, she opened the door and stepped out into the sunlight. There was a black limousine parking in the last parking space. The professor rolled towards the car, not before throwing Rogue a look of thanks, and greeted the last person. Rogue headed in the direction which the professor came and looked over the grounds where all the students, friends and family of Jean sat. In the aftermath of Stryker's attack and the fact that there was no body, Jean's funeral had been postponed during her first death. Everyone had hoped she wasn't really dead, having not seen a body. Rogue looked at no-one as she moved to the seat with her name card on. It was next to the professor and the aisle. No-one else would willingly sit next to her, not yet. It was still too soon. Logan was notably absent. Though Rogue knew exactly where he was. Her eyes flittered to the third floor balcony on the left side of the house, where her senses picked up the distinct cigar smoke wafting in the wind. She looked back at the podium in front as the professor positioned himself next to her.

It was a short ceremony; the only people speaking were Scott, Xavier and Mr Grey, Jean's father. People gathered forward to drop a rose onto her grave. Once it was over everyone stood and headed towards the mansion. Rogue stayed in her seat, looking at the gravestone with a pang in her heart.

"Another hero... another mindless crime." She whispered.

Xavier, having stayed behind with her, placed his hand on hers and squeezed. Rogue looked at her mentor and offered a reassuring smile, realising he must be feeling lost now that his team weren't themselves.

"Shall we go to the mansion now?" asked Xavier.

"I refuse to be there."


"Please Professor, don't make me go there."

"Alright. Though, I must insist you call me Charles, you're no longer one of my students."

"Thank you prof... Charles."

"Now, I feel there is something you wish to tell me."

"Yes... well... with everything that has happened, I want to offer to help. Hank wanted an x-man to accompany him to a meeting with regards to the cure. They wanted to offer mutants counselling for those not sure whether they wanted the cure or not."

"Ah, I see. Well-"

"I know I'm not the ideal candidate as I am not qualified but I have the knowledge of many mutants, most of those mutants being afraid of their own powers."

"Rogue, of course I want you to represent us. I've already agreed for you to leave with Hank tonight. If that's alright with you?"

"Yes, perfect."

"Good, now I must leave. Everyone will be expecting me."

Rogue nodded and stood up, walking alongside Xavier as they moved towards the mansion. A few cars were leaving, the people who were close to Jean but not related. The people that still held some fear of mutants. Rogue sighed and stopped at the entrance of the mansion.

"What are we living for?" she whispered.

"Don't think like that. We can't just give up. The world still needs us, human and mutant kind alike."

"I just... I'm scared."

"Whatever happens, we leave it all to fate." Said Xavier sadly, before moving into the mansion.

Rogue watched him go, before walking back up to her room. The trip was quicker now that she didn't have the familiar weight on her shoulders. Jean Grey was buried and laid to rest. Everyone had said their final goodbyes and Jean had been honoured the way she deserved. At least, that part of her psyche felt at peace. The others were still all very restless. Rogue was nearing her door, and paused as she heard the sound of tears from the room to her left. Scott and Jean's old room. She stepped closer and pressed her ear to the door, listening to Scott's cries. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists. The psyche of Jean Grey within was still there in her mind, though faint, but enough of her was still left to overwhelm Rogue with longing at hearing Scott's cries.

' Another Heartache, another failed romance.' Thought Rogue miserably, as she hurried back to her room.

She closed her door carefully and took a deep breath. Her eyes flittered to her balcony and she sighed tiredly and rubbed her head.

"Hello Logan."

He made no sound nor did he step into her view. Masking her pain, Rogue reached under her bed and pulled out the black suitcase provided to all the students and staff. She unzipped it and walked towards her drawers. She packed without really thinking, allowing her instincts to do the work. It was as if she was on auto-pilot which in a way she was. A different blouse, skirt and underwear for each day. Two pairs of heels. Make-up, toiletries and hair equipment. One black silk nightgown for those quiet nights in the hotel where she would sleep surrounded by pillows, pretending she was sleeping in a lover's embrace. She tossed her copy of The Once and Future King, a favourite of hers thanks to Magneto, and then looked outside to where the cigar smoke was still wafting around. She picked her bag up and paused when a quick mental message from Xavier told her that Hank would send someone to bring it down for her. Marie sent her thanks and turned back to face her room.

She'd moved in after Stryker's attack, feeling devastated from all the events and even more like a monster. She didn't want anyone near her. Xavier had allowed it, saying she was a grown-up now and needed her own space. Everyone had said it was too fast, that things needed to be thought over. But Xavier insisted that she and Bobby had their own space. They had earned their place on the team. Some nights Jubilee would sneak in for a sleep over but that was only because they were best friends and Jubes didn't like sleeping alone. So whenever Kitty and Bobby had a 'sleep over', Jubes would walk in with her sleeping bag and sleep on top of Rogue's covers so that no skin touched but they were still close enough to keep away the nightmares. Speaking of nightmares, Rogue saw Logan move into view, his back turned towards her. She took a deep breath and opened her door, pausing with her hand on the handle.

"Logan... I'm leaving for awhile. I'm sorry about everything. Just... I'm not running. I'm not you. I cared about Jean too. But she wouldn't want us to sit around and mourn when everyone out there needs us. I... I want to thank you for everything you've done. You were a good friend when I needed you."

He didn't respond and she didn't expect him too. Closing the door she walked towards the library to waste away her time.


Rogue slammed her hand on the table, her face shadowed with anger. She was tired, had been on an airplane not two hours ago, and now had been dragged to the meeting that was pushed forward to today. Marie stared at General Trask, her eyes narrowing in fury. She'd listened to him to rant about how mutants didn't need counselling as the cure was not a prescription drug but an antidote to a disease. Hearing him say how maybe the cure being voluntary perhaps being a mistake, she'd snapped. All eyes were on her now, and she met each gaze slowly, before taking a deep breath to calm her anger.

"Gentleman, may I remind you that myself and Dr McCoy are mutants. I don't understand this prejudice towards mutants. Humans search for alien life forms with the intention to welcome them and yet the people that are closer to your genetic material are treated like scum? Hasn't there been enough racism over the years? Isn't the world tired of war, hurt and hate? Our mutations are not diseases, but they do make us different. Different scares people."

Rogue sighed and looked at the president, her eyes serious and steady as she held his expression.

"Counselling is essential to insure we don't have to deal with thousands of mutants being influenced that they had no choice but to get cured. Magneto could throw this in our face if we throw around words like antidote and disease."

The president nodded, leaning over to consult with his advisor. Marie settled back in her chair, and felt Hank squeeze her hand. She smiled gratefully at him and rubbed her neck, feeling exhaustion settling over her.

"Very well. Call Worthington Industries and tell them that under the new law, all mutants shall be offered free counselling before taking the cure. Make sure Worthington issues these orders to all his cure centres."

A woman in the corner nodded and strode from the room. Marie made to stand up to leave but the president cleared his throat.

"Sir?" she asked.

"Hank, Miss Xavier, we recently captured the mutant named Mystique. She was impersonating one of our number."

"Oh?" asked Rogue.

"Me." Said Trask, glaring at the screen behind him.

Mystique sat on a chair, refusing to co-operate. Rogue watched in anger as Mystique manipulated the prison guard and goaded him into her trap, before attacking him. The screen was paused and the president sighed.

"What do you hope her capture will achieve?" asked Rogue.

"Magneto will certainly come after her." Remarked Hank.

"We need information about the Brotherhood. She stole files on the boy."

"Well," said Rogue, standing up, "I can't stop Magneto from coming to get his pet but," she paused and flexed her gloveless hands, "I can extract a little information."


"So, Magneto plans to kill the boy?"

Rogue glanced at Scott, and then turned her gaze back to the window, keeping her forehead pressed against the cool glass.

"And revolt against the cure with an army of mutants." Whispered Xavier.

"So what do we do?" asked Storm.

Rogue wanted to bang her head against the window. Magneto had rallied his troops and was waiting for Mystique to be transported. Rogue knew all this thanks to absorbing Mystique. She had also discussed with the government and army the plans she had to ensure that Magneto was no longer a problem. Xavier knew as well but he wanted to first try and involve his x-men, try to bring back some hope in the mansion. He wanted his team back. Rogue had no time for games, having taken too much of Mystique during absorption but she allowed the professor to try. Personally she felt it was too soon. A phrase came to her, the words ringing true in her mind. The Show Must Go on. They couldn't wait until there was no more heart aches. The world around them still needed them, no matter what. Xavier finally sighed and Rogue turned around, seating herself on the window sill. She watched as Xavier glanced at everyone in the room, Bobby, Kitty, Jubilee, Scott, Hank, Storm, Kurt, Logan, before finally he gazed at her, sadness in his eyes.

"We have a plan... it's not something I'm proud of agreeing to, but it's our only option. We're going to administer Magneto with the cure."

"That's ridiculous. People will hear that the government forced the cure on Magneto. Then we'll have another riot on our hands." Said Bobby.

"It will not be so Robert." Whispered Hank.


"Mystique will cure Magneto in a moment of desperation to take over the Brotherhood. But she will be apprehended by the guards on the van transporting her."

"And how exactly will you convince her to do that?" growled Logan.

"Who says we need to convince her?"

All eyes turned Rogue and she allowed her body to slowly change, blue scales covering her skin, her hair changing to red and her eyes going yellow. All the x-men gasped except Xavier and Hank.

"Is it Mystique pretending to be Rogue or Rogue being Mystique." Asked Kitty.

"It's Rogue, Katherine."explained Xavier.

Rogue turned back to her normal self, wincing at Mystique's psyche that was screaming and trying to take control. Xavier frowned and she gave a small shake of her head, not wanting to talk about it.

"The plan is simple; Rogue will transform into Mystique and wait in the convoy. Magneto will come for her, the spy within in his number tipping him off, and when he's freed her, she will administer the cure."

"Simple? Simple? You're sending Rogue, who is not an x-man, alone to take out Magneto?"

"Scott, please-"

"No, professor! We can't do this. We've just... we need to plan this together-"

"There isn't time." Hissed Rogue.

Her head was in pain and she was sick of this discussion. She had another flight tomorrow back to Washington and then was to be locked up in some convoy. She had no time to sit and wait.

"The government will do this with or without us. If I do this, the president will remove all cure weapons and only have the cure centres. No pressure will be forced on mutants to take the cure. I am not going to watch that offer pass by. I'm not an x-man, but I don't need to be one. I'm doing this for everyone. I'm avoiding the war; I'm avoiding more dead bodies. I'm shedding emotion and doing what is needed. I'm a leech with soul sucking skin; I'll never love or be loved. My skin is no longer a curse but a weapon. I'm giving up a normal life to help shape Xavier's dream. You, all of you who hate me, you have no right to tell me what I can and cannot do."

Rogue exhaled and closed her eyes, rubbing her forehead. She heard the vibration of a cell and looked up as Hank answered his phone. His brow deepened with confusion and he looked up at Rogue and handed her the phone. She took it from him and held it up to her ear.


"It's Dr Rao."

"Doctor, is something wrong?"

"Mr Worthington would like a word, perhaps tomorrow?"

"I can't do tomorrow. Three days from today maybe?"

"Mm... that can be arranged. A limo will pick you up at two."

"Alright then. Good bye."

Rogue pushed the end call button and handed Hank his cell back. Rubbing her head, she sighed and began walking out the room. As she walked up the stairs, she sensed someone following her and she turned around, coming face to face with Scott. For a moment he just stared at her, but as she moved to turn back around he took a step forward.

"I don't hate you... I'm angry sure, but not just with you. I wonder why Bobby didn't freeze the lake, or why we thought it was a good idea to leave Logan to babysit when Stryker attacked. Why didn't Storm or Xavier use their powers, why didn't Nightcrawler get Jean out at the last second? I wonder why didn't you learn how to fly the jet early and why did Logan have to stab her? But, I don't hate anybody. I have all this anger... it's just... I love her."

"I know Scott."

"You don't have to do this... we don't have to do this. Maybe if we stop saving the world... we'll live a happier life."

"It's too late now, Scott. Forsaking the x-men won't bring Jean back. I don't mind everyone being angry at me. I know people wish that I was dead. I know they think I should have taken her power and saved everyone. Because hey, we'll just get Logan to heal me. I'm sorry I'm alive. But I'm not going to live in shame."

Leaving a stunned Scott, Marie turned around and strode to her room, ignoring the pain filled psyche of Jean, calling out to the man who owned her heart.


"When I get my hands on that little-"

"Calm down Rogue."

Rogue let out a frustrated scream at Xavier's words and pointed to the left side of her face. Along her left jaw line was a two inch bandage covering the burn mark she'd got courtesy of Pyro. Xavier looked at the bandage sorrow in his eyes. Rogue felt guilt fill her and she sighed, trying to calm herself down.

"Godammit... look Xavier, I know it's not your fault. No-one knew Magneto was bringing an entourage-"

"We can just be glad you're so well trained and managed to immobilise all of them." Said Hank, walking in with a pile of bandages.

"Two cured, one in mutant jail... do they really think Pyro is valuable?" asked Rogue.

"The president is letting John keep his power as a personal favour to me. He is still welcome here should he choose to come home." Explained Xavier.

Hank nudged Rogue and she smiled and lifted her arm, allowing him to bandage it. Everything had gone well until she'd shot Magneto with the cure. He had gone down but then Pyro had tried to burn her, managed to graze her jawline before a guard shot him with tranquiliser. Then Callisto had stepped in, taking Rogue by surprise with her speed. She'd managed to steal Rogue's blade and cut up her right arm before one of the guards had tasered her. Hank carefully finished with her arm just as Logan, Scott and Storm walked in. Storm was first to speak.

"What happened?"

"I have proved that three against one will always never be fair." Said Rogue, hopping off the bed.

Looking at the time, she groaned and rubbed her cheek. Picking up the duffel bag she'd thrown next to the bed, she searched through it until she found a green dress, white wedge heeled shoes and a silver shoulder cover. She went behind one of the screens to change as Xavier debriefed the three that had entered the room. She hadn't wanted them to see her injuries, knowing they'd all think she was not ready for this, but Hank was the only person she trusted to treat her wounds. Changing quickly, she walked out from behind the screen, taking her brush from her bag and tidying her hair.

"Excuse me, I have to go." Said Rogue.

She walked to the door; trying to shake the exhaustion she felt when his voice stopped her.

"You're not invincible, kid."

"Yeah, and aren't you just so fucking glad I'm not." She hissed, before hurrying out the room.


Rogue sat in the main parlour of the Worthington mansion, stirring her tea slowly. Warren Jr sat opposite her looking equally nervous. Every time she caught his eye, he would blush and stare at one of the paintings on the walls, avoiding her gaze for a few minutes. Rogue smiled at the attention, not used to be looked at with such a heated gaze since Bobby. She broke from her thoughts as Warren Sr stepped into the room. She stood up and shook his hand, before settling back into her chair and watching as he took the seat opposite her.

"Miss Xavier, so glad you could join us."

"I'm interested as to why you wanted to see me."

"Well, it has come to my attention that I'm not seen as a friend to the mutant community. They see me as the creator of the cure and therefore the cause of all their problems."

"I see. What does that have to do with me?"

"I want the world to see that I have come to accept mutants. My son taught me this acceptance. "

"I'm glad to hear that." Said Rogue, smiling at Warren Jr.

"Family means everything to me. I've almost lost my son due to prejudice. I don't want that to happen to anyone." Whispered Warren Sr.

"What can I do to help?"

"Well, the world now knows you as a fighter for mutant rights. I was thinking of a... an arrangement."

"An arrangement?"

"If you were to say... marry my son, the world would see that I'm not against mutants."

Rogue frowned, confused by the sudden proposal. She looked at Warren Jr again and waited until he caught her eye.

"Is this what you want?"

"Miss Xavier-"

Rogue held up her hand to silence Mr Worthington and stood up, walking towards Warren and crouching beside him. She placed her hand on his knee and stared up into his blue eyes.

"Is this what you want?" she asked again.

"I'd be honoured to have you as my wife. I think we could be great together."

"I think so to." Whispered Rogue.

"Is that a yes?" asked Mr Worthington.

Rogue stood up and nodded. Warren stood then and took her hand, placing a kiss on her palm.

"Father shall organise the arrangements. Walk with me, Miss Xavier."

"Call me Anna."

Warren smiled and nodded, holding her hand and leading her through the doors. Rogue smiled and followed him through, letting go of a little more of her past.


universe: x2 (x-men united), rating: pg-13, genre: shipperfic, author: alexmonalisa, fic, genre: drama

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