What Do You Want From Me- Part 9/?,

Feb 07, 2011 00:10

Title: What Do You Want From Me
Author: alexmonalisa
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*
Feedback: Better than chocolate cake
Summary: AU/No Powers. Marie Turner is twenty and trying to get by. Logan Howlette is thirty and working at a dead end job. One night fate intercedes and their life’s are bound together forever.

Author’s notes: Err... I don’t really do smut. *looks up to see knives flying towards her* EEP! *runs*  Thanks for the reviews.


Marie felt sunlight hit her eyes, causing her to yawn and stretch. A large hand moved up her waist to squeeze her breast causing her to gasp and smile. She turned around and was met with the smiling face of Logan. His eyes were closed, there was a lazy grin on his face and he looked oh-so-fuckable. He wrapped his arms around her and moved one hand to her hip. She leaned forward and pressed to lips, causing him to open his eyes.


“Morning Logan.”

“Shit, I never meant to fall asleep.”

“Well... we did have sex quite a few times.”

“You know darlin’, you’re very... flexible.”

Marie smirked and shook her head, placing a kiss on his shoulder. There was a vibration from the floor and Logan frowned, looking over her shoulder.

“That’s probably Kayla calling.” he whispered.


“I should go.”


She clutched his shoulders and pressed her face in his shoulder. He didn’t let her go but he was still tensed and ready to go. After a few seconds of silence, he reached between them and lifted her chin to look her in the eyes.


“Just give me this.”

“Give you what?”

“A few moments to pretend you’re mine.”

He closed his eyes, his expression one of pain, but nodded slowly. She smiled and kissed him hard. She let her hand drift down slowly, tracing the muscles of his chest, the gorgeous six pack of his and let it rest on his hip. He reached out and lifted her leg, wrapping it around his thigh, and entered her with one swift thrust. She gasped, breaking the kiss, a lazy smile spreading on her face. He made love to her slowly, kissing her neck with each thrust, one arm anchored around her. His hand moved to her breast, squeezing hard and then massaging. They came together and Marie had to duck her head to hide her tears. He sat up after he regulated his breathing and she took the opportunity to turn on her stomach and hide her face. She felt the bed rise as he climbed off and she heard him put his jeans on. She turned her head slightly and peeked out at him. He had his jeans and shirt on, unbuttoned, and was busy with his phone. She watched as he dialled a number and waited for the other person to pick up.

“Hey. It’s me.... Yeah, I slept at Xavier’s... Jubilee’s fine now, she was just feeling a little upset... yeah, I’ll see you tonight... love you too, bye.”

Marie was already dressed and had the bed made as he turned back towards her. She gave him a hesitant smile and kissed his cheek.

“I need to do some things. Say goodbye to Lena before you go.”


“It’s okay. Really.”

She smiled as best she could before walking into the hallway and closing the door. She pressed her hand to her face, trying to stop the tears but the truth was still there in her heart. Once again she was in love with a man who had someone else.


“Not hungry.” muttered Marie.

Jean made a noise at the back of her throat and shoved the burger and fries towards Marie. Jubilee had noticed that Marie was feeling blue ever since three days ago. She knew that Logan had supposedly slept in the mansion three days ago but decided not to comment on the obvious affair. She’d merely asked Scott to baby-sit and decided it was time for a girls night out. Ororo, Marie, Jean, Kitty and herself had landed up at the local bar, where Jubilee was liking the attention she was getting from the boys and Kitty was blushing at the drinks being sent to her. Marie eyed the food in front of her and pushed it away. Her mood had turned sour once she’d given up on the light stuff and hit the whiskey. Jean sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Don’t act like a two year old Marie.”

“Shut-up Jean.”

Jubilee tore her gaze away from a particularly sexy piece of man candy and placed a hand on Marie’s arm.

“Chica, the good doctor is just trying to help.”

Marie growled and slammed her fist on the table. Half the patrons looked towards their table.

“Fuck this! Barkeep, bring me the whole dam bottle of whiskey.”

“You got the money for it?” grumbled the bartender.

“I’ll give you a lap dance.”

The bar tender looked her up and down before pulling out a chair and sitting down. Marie stood up but Kitty pulled her down and glared at the man.

“Go back to your job, she’s done drinking.”

The bartender rolled his eyes and headed to the other side of the bar. Ororo carefully pried the glass of whiskey from Marie’s hand and reached out to lift the other’s girl chin. Tears ran down Marie’s face and she shook slightly.

“Child, what’s wrong?”

“Why am I always second best? Every time something good happens in my life, it gets taken away. What if... what if I lose Lena? What if she gets taken away? She’s all I have that’s mine.”

“Oh sweetie, no-one’s going to take your daughter away from you.” Said Kitty.

“What about Kayla?”

“What about her?” asked Jubilee.

“It would ruin her career if people found out. She’d probably adopt Lena rather than let Logan and I have joint custody.” Whispered Marie.

Everyone was silent for a moment before Jean spoke up.

“Kayla would never do that. She lost her mother when she was young leaving her to look after her younger sister.”

Marie nodded and rubbed her head. Suddenly the bar felt too crowded and her head was swimming. She mumbled an apology, and slid out of the booth, heading towards the back door. It was dark outside and she headed to the nearest source of light which was coming from a window. She stood under it and took deep breaths. She heard the door inside the bathroom open and the sound of giggling. She realised it was Kitty and Jubilee.

“Oh my god Jubes. That guy was totally checking you out.”

“I know right.”


“Yeah thanks.”

“So... I noticed that look on your face.”

“What look?”

“When Jean said Kayla would never take Lena away?”


“Do tell!”

“It’s not Kayla. She is pretty decent. But Marie is right. Kayla will adopt Lena because her agent will say so. And Logan can’t stop it because he’d never ruin Kayla’s career. He’s too good for that.”

“I miss broody Logan.”

“You know my brother, he grew up into a boring office guy and doesn’t know how to revert.”

Marie listened to the silence between the two, tears running down her face.

“What do we do when Marie finds out? She’ll break when they take her daughter away.” whispered Kitty.

“She can’t know Kit. Ever.”

Marie closed her eyes and began walking. Lena was gonna be taken away from her. She knew it and everybody had lied to her. She didn’t belong in this world. All life did was throw her down and she could do nothing to pick herself up again. Her head felt weird and her body was swaying, she blinked a few times but there was still little black spots dancing in her eyes. She heard a soft sound in the distance, like someone far away was calling her name. She saw a light coming from the middle of the road and walked towards it.

“Mom?” she called.

As she closed her eyes, all she remembered was the high pitched screech, a scream and pain shooting through her body as darkness took over.


genre: angst, universe: au, author: alexmonalisa, rating: r, fic, genre: drama

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