Title: Callous (Part 4/7)
Author: skybound2
Characters: Wolverine/Rogue (Logan/Marie), other assorted X-men.
Word Count: ~4400 this chapter (~12300 so far)
Rating: T
Summary: Rescued from a mutant experimentation facility, Rogue is left damaged.
Author's Note: So, I spent the entire weekend sick with a fever. You probably wouldn't think the first thing I would do upon being able to form coherent sentences again would be to sit down and polish this chapter. But that's exactly what I did. This thing has EATEN MY BRAIN FOLKS. Again, while this is still post-X1, there are definite comics inspired parts. A big THANK YOU to everyone for reading! Seriously, you rock :-) Fic is also up on
FFN, and
Ch 1 ,
Ch 2 New:
Chapter 3