Fic: Number Sixty-Nine and Beyond

Feb 08, 2011 13:32

Title: Number Sixty-Nine and Beyond

Series: Part of the “Numbers” series

Author: Karen


Rating: NC-17 (what did you expect with a title like that)

Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, yada, yada, yada..

Feedback: Better than a fake orgasm.

Summary: Logan and Marie find new uses for the playground equipment.

Author’s Note: Terri wrote a fic where Marie informs Logan that she’s made a list of things she’d like to do sexually with him. Originally there were a 112 items on the list, but as the fic "Number 126" reveals, Marie added a few more. You can find the set up story "Number Forty-Seven" here:

Terri's two follow up stories are:

Number 84

Number 126

A few other authors asked if they could contribute stories - and a series was born. So a big thanks to Terri for letting us play in your smutty little sandbox. See what you started?

~ Number Sixty-Nine and Beyond ~

It was twilight on one of those perfect evenings right at the cusp of summer, when the nights were still refreshingly comfortable and had not yet become moist and sticky with the heavy humidity of mid-summer. It was Marie’s favorite time of year and her favorite time of day. She watched the fireflies begin their evening dance across the azure-colored sky and let out a contented sigh.

Logan was sitting next to her on the stone steps that led from the patio to the well-manicured lawn, her shoulder brushing his just enough to make contact without actually leaning on him.  His left hand was entangled with hers and his thumb was currently moving in a caressing motion across the top of her knuckles. She sipped delicately on a small bottle of water, while he chewed casually on one of his ever-present cigars, the tip glowing red as tendrils of aromatic smoke drifted into the air to join the fireflies.

“Logan, haven’t you ever heard of the dangers of second-hand smoke?” Marie choked, breaking the peaceful serenity as she put down the water bottle to fan away the offending vapors.

“Switch places with me, that way you’ll be downwind,” he replied jokingly.

“I have a much better idea,” Marie responded as she swiped the cigar out of his mouth, ground it out on the stone step and flippantly tossed it into the nearest rosebush.

“Hey, that was a Havana!” he cried in disbelief, staring in the direction his prize stogie had been so callously tossed.

“So?” Marie replied innocently.

“I had to smuggle that sucker across the Canadian border - they’re illegal here you know.”

“Well, they’re gross,” she pouted, sticking out her bottom lip vexingly.

“I should take you across my knee and spank your naughty little ass for ruining a perfectly good cigar,” Logan threatened teasingly, his eyes darkening wickedly.

“Oh yeah?” Marie answered back defiantly as she stood up and coquettishly added, “Well, you’d have to catch me first.”

And with that she took off across the lawn with Logan in hot pursuit. He chased her into the children’s playground area where she climbed onto the trampoline and started jumping up and down, her breasts bouncing provocatively and her short skirt flying up to give him a flash of her panties. Logan swung himself up onto the canvas and started to walk toward where she was jumping in the center - getting bounced a little from the vibrations.

“Jump with me, Logan,” she squealed, holding out her hands to him in invitation.

He closed the small gap between them and grabbing her small hands in his larger ones, pulled her flush against him and fixing her with heated eyes and a seductive grin, he growled, “I’ve got a much more interesting way to make this thing bounce.”

Marie let out a small whimper when he took her face in his hands as his mouth descended on hers. She threaded her fingers through his hair as he licked her lips apart and thrust his tongue into her welcoming mouth. Eventually needing to break for air, they reluctantly parted, with Logan kissing a path down onto her neck, where he latched onto the delicate skin at the pulse point. He gave a little nip with his teeth and when she gave a small “Ouch”, lovingly soothed the tiny wound with his tongue.

He reached between them and began popping open the buttons of her shirt. The pearlized buttons were so tiny and awkward for his thick fingers that the hindrance was rapidly irritating him and he started yanking on the fabric. When the first small pearl gave way and fell to the canvas, Marie stilled his hands.

“Hey, go easy there, big guy.”

“I’ll buy you a new shirt,” he promised, as he gently kissed her neck and commenced tugging on the material.

“I happen to very fond of this particular one and I got it on clearance, so it’s not replaceable,” she countered, “therefore, no ripping.”

Logan let out a frustrated growl against her throat and resumed attempting to coax the buttons out of their holes. Almost immediately Marie sensed his patience was swiftly wearing thin once more, and really wanting to save her shirt, decided to help him out, her smaller fingers making rapid work of the buttons. She eased the fabric apart, knowing how much he liked to watch her strip.  As she’d not bothered wearing a bra, her naked breasts were soon revealed to his hungry gaze. She watched, as his eyes narrowed with desire, his lust for her so evident in his heated stare. He reached out his pointer finger and brushed the top of it over one nipple causing it to pebble instantly and then did the same to the other nipple, causing a shiver of pleasure to ripple through her at the feathery touch. He then leaned down and flicked his tongue over each nipple with the same delicate touch; this time she let out a whimper as the tingle flowed through her. Sometimes Logan could be so gentle and tender, a side of him that rarely anyone but Marie ever saw.

Marie tugged on the bottom hem of his T-shirt, eager to unveil his magnificent chest and be able to rub against him, skin-to-skin. She loved the sensation of his chest hair tickling her breasts. At times, in bed, she would straddle his waist, lean down and just rub herself against his bare chest, like a cat, petting him with her own body. Logan allowed her to lift the shirt over his head, raising his arms in cooperation. She tossed the shirt onto the grass and immediately snuggled against him, making contact at last, his chest hair tickling her breasts. She sighed as she wrapped her arms around him, as his arms slid around her and his hands began a slow, sensuous rub of her back, the stroking making her ache in anticipation.

One of Logan’s hands casually wandered down to the zipper of her skirt and he wasted no time in easing it down. The skirt dropped in a puddle to the canvas and Marie stepped out of it, kicking it aside, leaving her standing there in just her panties. She reached between them and began unbuttoning his jeans, but instead of yanking them down immediately, she just reached into the now open fly and caressed his rock hard erection. Logan let out a low moan and dropped his head to her shoulder as she continued to massage his cock, her other hand snaking around behind him to fondle his well-toned butt.

She then stopped her ministrations, pulled down the jeans, and kneeled down to help him step free of them. They quickly joined the clothes already scattered on the grass around the trampoline. Logan had gone commando as usual, so now he was completely naked. As Marie stood back up, she ran her hands up his nicely muscled legs and stopped to lick his cock with just a brief teasing flicker of her tongue. She then licked her way up onto his stomach, continued the trail up onto his chest, his neck and finally over his chin until she latched her mouth onto his for yet another breathtaking kiss.

They sunk to their knees, not breaking contact as they continued drinking from one another. Finally releasing each other, Logan reached behind her knees and pulled, causing Marie to go backward onto the canvas. He straddled her body with his knees on either side of her hips and putting his hands on either side of her head, he gave the trampoline a little bounce. Marie let out a small giggle as the material beneath her vibrated from the slight motion.

Logan reached his hand down and rubbed her through her panties, keeping his eyes locked with hers the whole time. He felt the material dampen under his fingers and cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Don’t act so surprised. You know what you do to me,” she said in a voice husky with passion.

He slipped his fingers under the material and combed his fingers through the soft damp curls, brushing against the little bundle of nerves just enough to tease before removing his hand.

“Tell me what you want, Marie.”

“I want your mouth on me,” she replied in a breathy whisper.

“Where on you?” he teased.

“I want you to kiss my toes, you big ninny.”

“Like this,” he asked, pulling her foot up to his mouth and pressing a kiss to her big toe.

“Logan quit taunting me. You know what I want.”

“Nope, at a complete loss here. You better tell me…. in detail,” he said as he tauntingly caressed her inner thigh.

Marie propped herself up on her elbows, fixed him with determined eyes and a wicked smile.

“I want you to stick your face between my legs and lick me like a mother cat cleaning one of her kittens. Now, is that clear enough for you?”

“Crystal,” he replied mischievously, his mouth turning up in a naughty grin. He loved it when he got Marie to talk dirty.

He latched his fingers into the band of her panties when he noticed they had little figures on them and leaned in closer for further inspection.

“Scooby Doo panties, Marie?” he said in surprise.

“Well, everything else is either in my laundry basket or has been ripped to shreds by a certain someone, who apparently has no patience. These were all I had left.”

“Yeah, but as if I didn’t already have enough issues about your age, you go and wear cartoon undies?”

“Why don’t you just hurry up and take them off, then you won’t have to look at them anymore and viola, you’ve solved the problem.”

At that suggestion, Logan unsheathed a claw and cut them off of her.

“LOGAN!” Marie cried out, “You’ve got to stop ruining my clothes! The Professor has a conniption fit whenever he gets the bills for everything I’m constantly having to replace.”

“Sorry, honey, but I just had to kill the Scooby undies,” he said as he took the shredded fabric and tossed it over his shoulder, “I couldn’t take the chance you’d wear them again.”

“First thing tomorrow you’re taking me shopping for all new stuff.”

“If you promise to limit your underwear purchases to Victoria’s Secret, you’ve got a deal.”

“Honestly, I don’t know why I even bother wearing anything at all. I usually end up naked five minutes after we show up in the same room,” Marie sighed.

“Well, you’re the one that refuses to move to that nudist colony and make our lives simpler. It’s not my fault.”

“Logan, you’re impossible.”

“No, I’m horny.”

“Is that the eighth dwarf?”

“Why, yes it is, Snow White,” he said, as he pushed her back down onto the canvas and spread her legs.

He buried his face in her, the bridge of his nose hitting the spot as he alternated between licking and sucking at her as he swiped his tongue over her most sensitive parts. He treated her to an intense orgasm, before swinging around so that his knees straddled her head, positioning his cock just above her face. As he bent down to pleasure her with his mouth once more, she stuck her tongue out to lick the head of his cock. Wrapping her small hand around the thick shaft, she vacuumed him into her mouth and began sucking in earnest. He thrust into her mouth deeper and she relaxed her throat muscles to accommodate his length, having mastered her gag reflex long ago. She grazed her teeth along his heated flesh as she withdrew a little and then swallowed him again.

When she slipped him out of her mouth to catch her breath, Logan flipped them over so that she was now on the top, She now had to lean down instead of reaching up to take him into her mouth again. Logan grabbed her hips and lowered her onto his waiting mouth, his tongue stroking her with long sweeps. Marie ground down a little more and rocked against his mouth as she continued licking him simultaneously. She felt her orgasm ripple through her and she came in small gush of moisture, which Logan lapped up. A moment later, he shuddered himself and found his own release, which she politely swallowed.

When she’d first given Logan head, she’d expected his ‘spunk’, as Jubilee referred to semen, to be salty, but it was actually almost cream-like. It was another anomaly of Logan’s.

Marie rolled off to her side, turned herself around and climbed onto him, stretching out along the length of his body as she buried her face into his neck. She felt him grow hard again immediately, courtesy of his healing factor.

“I have an idea,” she told him playfully as she disengaged herself from him and stood up, “Follow me.”

They jumped off the trampoline and Marie guided Logan over to one of the swings.

“Sit down,” she instructed.

Logan perched on the narrow seat of the swing and Marie moved to straddle him, thankful that the Professor had invested in industrial strength equipment. Facing him, she threaded her legs on either side of his hips until she was sitting on his lap. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his as she raised herself up slightly and using one hand on his shoulder to balance herself, and the other hand to guide him into her, impaled herself on him. She coiled her arms around his neck while he wrapped his hands around the chains of the swing.  Logan pushed off with his feet and they were swinging gently back and forth as Marie started to move up and down on him.  He levered himself with his feet and thrust up into her as she ground down onto him even harder. They made love as the swing pendulated back and forth until they climaxed together in a flurry of soaked heat and collapsed against each other bonelessly.

“Damn, you’re amazing,” Logan said when his heart finally stopped pounding so loud that he hadn’t been able to even hear himself think.

“You’re pretty ‘wow’ yourself there, sugar,” Marie drawled in a honey-coated voice that instantly made him go hard again.

“So what numbers did we scratch off that precious list of yours tonight?”

“Well, number sixty-nine obviously, and actually, number forty-one ‘cause it was on the trampoline. The swing is number twenty-nine I believe, and the position took care of number ninety-five.”

“Hmmm, we certainly got a lot accomplished,” Logan responded with a dirty grin.

“If we do it on the slide, the teeter-totter and the monkey bars, we could take care of a few more,” Marie challenged with a wink.

“The monkey bars? How the hell do we do it on the monkey bars?”

“You stand under them, I hang upside, with the backs of my knees on one of the bars, which brings me face-to-face with my favorite part of your below-the-waist anatomy. Ta -dah, number one hundred and nine.”

“You put a lot of thought into this list, didn’t you?” he said with a cheeky smirk.

“You’re not complaining are you? Because, I could run the list through the paper shredder if you like?”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Come on, sugar, we have a few more pieces of playground equipment to desecrate and then it’s on to the garage.”

“The garage?” he asked, wondering what she had in mind, having already done it on Scott’s motorcycle as they worked their way through the infamous list.

“Scott’s new BMW 7-series arrived today and I thought we’d take care of number seven on the list and soil his new leather seats in the process.”

“Did I ever tell you how much I love the way you think?” Logan asked.

“Actions, Logan. Actions, speak louder than words,” she replied with a giggle as they made their way over to the slide.

author: karen, genre: foof, rating: nc-17, genre: pwp, genre: romance, universe: x1 (x-men), fic

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