Fic - Callous (Part 2)

Jan 28, 2011 22:19

Title: Callous (Part 2 of ~6)
Author: skybound2
Characters: Wolverine/Rogue (Logan/Marie), other assorted X-men
Word Count: ~3000 this chapter (~4200 so far)
Rating: T
Summary: Rescued from a mutant experimentation facility, Rogue is left damaged.
Author's Note: Should probably take a minute to note that while this story is post-X1, there will be ( Read more... )

universe: comics, genre: angst, author: skybound2, universe: au, universe: x1 (x-men), rating: pg-13, genre: dark, fic, rating: r, genre: drama

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Comments 2

kittenrescue January 29 2011, 04:10:38 UTC
"You stink, ya know that, Sugah?"

**Only Marie could say that and live another day. :)


skybound2 January 31 2011, 14:12:15 UTC
Heh :-D Yeah, I think anyone else would end up hurting after saying something like that to him!


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