Fic - Callous (Part 2)

Jan 28, 2011 22:19

Title: Callous (Part 2 of ~6)
Author: skybound2
Characters: Wolverine/Rogue (Logan/Marie), other assorted X-men
Word Count: ~3000 this chapter (~4200 so far)
Rating: T
Summary: Rescued from a mutant experimentation facility, Rogue is left damaged.
Author's Note: Should probably take a minute to note that while this story is post-X1, there will be some comic elements used. So, yeah, obviously quite AU. Also, this is still a bit experimental in style, so if it seems like there are two stories going on at once, that's because there are. It all links up though, promise. Possibly some dark subject matter coming up in future chapters (I will warn you if it does). Lastly, thanks to everyone for reading! You guys are awesome! Fic can also be found at WRFA, FFN, and Ao3.

Previously: Prologue
New: Chapter 1

universe: comics, genre: angst, author: skybound2, universe: au, universe: x1 (x-men), rating: pg-13, genre: dark, fic, rating: r, genre: drama

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