What Do You Want From Me- Part 4/?,

Oct 25, 2010 23:27

Title: What Do You Want From Me

Author: alexmonalisa

Rating: R

Chapter: 4

Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*

Feedback: Better than chocolate cake

Summary: AU/No Powers. Marie Turner is twenty and trying to get by. Logan Howlette is thirty and working at a dead end job. One night fate intercedes and their life’s are bound together forever.

Author’s notes: I'm back! And fighting off the damn flu! But never fear, I'll try to keep this story to a weekly update. Thanks for your patience!


Marie sat on the beach, enjoying the warm feeling of the sand. She looked over at the waves and smiled. Jubilee and Lena were by the edge of the water, Jubilee holding onto Lena’s hand, Lena screaming every time the water came towards her. Smiling, Marie sighed and looked for Logan. He was by the ice-cream stand, talking on his cell.  His face was set in a tense frown as he spoke to whoever was on the other line. Marie rubbed her face and peered up at the scorching sun. Her throat was starting to feel dry and her lungs burned. Taking her bag she dug through her purse and found a few coins. Standing slowly, she walked to the concession stand and bought herself a bottle of water. Taking a long sip, she relished the feeling of the cold water sliding down her throat. Sighing, she walked over to a bin and disposed of her bottle before heading to where Lena and Jubilee were. Jubilee smiled and Lena waved. Marie waved back and sat down in the sand, water running over her legs. Lena pulled away from Jubilee and toddled over to Marie. Giggling, Marie scooped Lena up and put her on her lap. Lena shrieked every time water ran over their legs. The sound of a camera came from behind her and Marie turned to see Logan standing behind with a camera. She frowned but he didn’t say anything, he merely turned and walked back to where their things were. Jubilee sank down beside Marie and shook her head.

“Don’t mind Mr Grumpy. He’s always like that.”

“If he wants I’ll be gone by your party.”

Jubilee scoffed and waved her hand dismissively.

“It’s my party Marie, I want you there.”

“You know nothing about me.”

“That’s cause you avoid all my questions.”

Marie frowned and looked down at Lena. The little girl was muttering things about the water while picking up sand.

“I love the colour green.” Murmured Marie.

Jubilee rolled her eyes and tilted her head to the sky.

“Well, it’s a start. Favourite food?”


“Hey me too. And, though he’d never admit it, Logan loves sushi. Anything Japanese really. When I turned sixteen he took me on a trip to Japan.”

“I would have loved to travel there.”

“Why don’t you?”

“Jubes, you need money to travel.”

“So you’ve never even been out the country?”

“No.” Whispered Marie.

She felt tears sting her eyes, so she stood up and picked Lena up. She headed back towards where Logan was sitting, thumb stroking Lena’s cheek.

“Marie... wait... Marie!”

Jubilee put her hand on her shoulder. Marie tried to shrug her off but Jubilee held on tight.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s nothing you did Jubes. I’m... I’m just really tired.”

Marie turned towards Jubilee and offered her a smile. Jubilee grinned back and took Lena. Marie followed her and sat down as they reached their things. Logan raised an eyebrow but Jubilee simply shook her head. Lena clambered out of Jubilee’s arms and hurried over to Logan. He chuckled and reached for the tub of ice-cream beside him.

“You want this, babygirl?”


“Manners, Lena.” Chided Marie.

Lena giggled and smiled at Logan.

“Pwease daddee!”

“Okay princess.”

Marie watched as Lena sat on Logan’s lap as Logan opened the tub and started feeding her. Sitting down and relaxing, Marie grabbed her bag and rummaged through, pulling out her book and settling in the sand. The sun was burning her back and she had a feeling that it would probably be burned tomorrow but she refused to ask Logan for sunscreen. She refused to ask him for anymore than she needed to right now. Her motto in life was to trust no-one and she stuck by it.


Marie eyed the article in front of her and shook her head, tossing the garment over the chair next to her.

“Jubilee! There is no way I’m wearing that!”

“Why not?”

“Firstly, the price-“

“Hold up there chica. Logan specifically said that we, as in you and me, could go buy ourselves dresses for the party.”

“And we have found one for you and one for Lena, so let’s go!”

“You are not coming naked to my party!”


“You heard me!”

Marie eyed Jubilee as if the girl had grown a second head. Jubilee merely snapped her gum and took her cell out. Her fingers flew over the buttons as she texted someone, there was a beep, and then she put away cell.

“Jubes!” moaned Marie.

“Our hair appointment has been booked. Now, go try on your dress.”


Marie snatched the dress up and went into the changing room. She shucked off her jeans and t-shirt and squeezed herself into the dress. It was a blue tulle dress with a sweetheart neckline. Marie frowned and walked out of the changing room. Jubilee squealed and started bouncing up and down.

“Jubes! Calm down.”

“You look awesome!”

“Why can’t you just have a party where everyone dresses in casual wear?”

“Because then Logan wouldn’t willingly give me his credit card? Duh!”


Marie turned slightly and looked at her red back. She had a really bad sun burn, just as she predicted. She looked over to Jubilee who was frowning.

“What now?” asked Marie.

“It’s the colour.”

“Do I have to try on another dress?”

“Don’t whine chica. Rosie will just order it in a different colour. Right, Rosie?”

The seamstress nodded and headed towards the counter. Jubilee waved the credit card and smirked, skipping over to the counter. Marie groaned and stomped back into the changing room, removing the dress and putting her clothes back on. She handed the dress back to one of the assistants and walked over to Jubilee. Jubilee smiled and accepted the receipt from the cashier, before grabbing Marie’s hand.

“Let’s go for lunch!”


“What? I’m hungry!”

“I miss Lena.”

“She and Logan are at Toys ‘R Us, buying things for her room.”

“Well, then... I was going to go find a job.”

Jubilee sighed and pulled Marie into the restaurant they’d just walked by. She dragged her over to the booth in the corner and nudged her in.

“Now stay there Marie.”



Marie sighed and crossed her arms, gaze wondering out the window. Jubilee sat opposite her and picked up the menu. Marie glanced over her menu as the waitress came over. The perky blonde smiled at them but it was a fake smile.

“Can I help you ladies?”

“Um... two lunch time snack baskets.” Said Jubilee.

“Ok, and to drink?”

“A banana milkshake for me. What about you Marie?”


“Very good then.”

The waitress scooped up the menu’s and walked away. Marie twirled a strand of hair for awhile before sighing and looking at Jubilee. Jubilee grinned and tilted her head.

“What?” snapped Marie.

“You look a little pale.”

“I get migraines a lot.”


“It’s nothing. They go away eventually.”

“Oh okay. So... there’ll be a lot of single guys at my birthday.”

“No thanks. Men are just problems.”

“You say that now-“

“Jubes, promise me you won't try and set me up with anyone.”



Jubes frowned but nodded slowly in agreement. Marie looked down at her hands and took a deep breath. Her head was pounding from skipping breakfast. She refused to eat around Logan, feeling like he was counting everything she took in his house. She needed to get out and fast.



“ Could you help me get a job?”

“Well... Oh! My uncle Xavier is gonna be at my party! He owns Westchester Science School.”

“Oh, you mean Xavier’s School for Scientific Youngsters? But Jubes, I can’t teach.”

“Don’t worry, my uncle will find something for you. I’m useless at everything but last year I got a summer job working in the garden’s of the school.”

“Well, okay.”

“See! You’ll have fun at my party! I promise, nothing bad will happen.”


rating: pg-13, universe: au, author: alexmonalisa, fic, genre: drama

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