NEW FIC! Keep Bleeding - Chapter 5 - NC-17: By Paradise

Oct 23, 2010 23:03 (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4)
Chapter 5

Rogue lay awake all night wishing for her husband but still aching for Logan.  She thought non-stop, pleading with herself to clear her mind and think of nothing for a while.  If she could relax and give herself time to rest then perhaps she could figure out a way to solve the huge problem in her life that was Logan.  Little worries crept up on her and reminded her of the husband that had abandoned her and the other man nearby that yearned for her.

Not so long ago she had a passionate love with her husband.  They were in love.  They’d said their vows and marriage was bliss.  He’d thrown her up into his arms and made her believe that every dream could come true for a simple girl from Mississippi.  They were always passionate, always intense, and always with each other.  A mission taking them apart for a night seemed like torture.  They’d make up for it by all night love-making and next day cuddling and eating all their meals in bed.

It wasn’t that she was falling out of love with her husband as much as thoughts of Logan and her need for him were consuming her.  Remy was becoming an afterthought and that was scaring her.  Her husband was becoming second place.

Her phone rang.


“Can’t sleep?”

She smiled sadly.  “Not in this big empty bed.”

“Yeah,” he said.

“You coming home soon?”

“Rogue,” was all he said.

“We have to work,” she told him.

“Pourquoi?” he asked.  “Because we’re the perfect couple?  Because we’re Rogue and Remy?  You’re the one who’s in love with someone else.”

“I’m not…” she trailed off.

“See, you can’t even finish the sentence.”

“Remy, you’re my husband.”

“Not lately, not in your heart.”

She closed her eyes.

“Just come home,” she whispered.

“To what?”

“To me!”

He sighed.  “Goodnight, Rogue.”

The line went dead and Rogue finally fell asleep at 6:30 in the morning.


They stood together looking out the window over Manhattan three weeks later.  The busy city glittered beneath them, moving and charging, beaming with life.  Rogue sipped her wine, savoring the flavor, her heart and body waiting to feel Logan in her arms.  She felt herself aching, her heart pounding, her body pulsating.

This was what she’d been thinking about for months.  The moment she’d been fantasizing about and pushing away for so many nights.  Now that it was here she was suddenly afraid.  Could she really do this with him?  Could she actually go through with this?

They’d walked through the streets like lovers, holding onto each other.  Logan had then booked a beautiful suite for them and gotten her favorite bottle of wine.  Tasting it now, she felt a wave of love rush through her.  With her eyes on the city below, she gasped slightly when a warm hand came to her shoulder and began turning her.

“Look at me,” he whispered, raising his hands to her shoulders, squeezing them gently.

She did and he washed his beautiful eyes over hers, soaking her in his warmth.  Kneading her shoulders, he pushed the sleeves of her blouse down, baring her shoulders to his hands.  She felt flushed the second his hands were in contact with her skin.  She tipped her face up, allowing him to draw her close and descend his mouth onto hers.  Lips touched and mouths opened.  Tongues collided and clashed slowly, getting acquainted with each other.  Her slender hand went up his back and into his thick hair, but as passion began to ignite, Rogue’s conscience got a hold of her and she yanked herself backwards.

“Logan,” she cried out softly.  “No,” she said, shaking her head.  “I’m sorry, I know I agreed to this but I can’t.  I just can’t.”

She pulled free of his embrace and walked away.  Logan, heartbroken, watched her walk towards the door and then he rushed after her.

“No!” he said, throwing her up his arms.

Rogue felt herself surrendering in his arms as he held her tight, her feet dangling in the air, his lips next to her ear.

“I need you, Rogue.  I need you more than I’ve ever needed anyone,” he professed, letting her feet touch the ground, placing soft kisses on her mouth.

She closed her eyes and felt his power over her.

“I love you,” he said.  “Just stay.  Stay tonight,” he murmured, undoing the buttons of her blouse, revealing creamy breasts.

His mouth was on her, tasting her, and loving her.  Having been denied him so long her mind was completely gone.  She couldn’t think.  She knew what she wanted and finally, she expressed it.


Peeling her blouse from her, he discarded it on the floor and picked her up, wrapping her legs around him and crawling onto the bed.  Landing on top of her, his lips cascaded over hers, his hand brushing the brunette locks out of her face to look at her.  Wanting to see equal passion, he was met with hot tears burning her lids.

“Hey,” Logan said to her.  “I love you.  I love you.  There is nothing wrong in this moment.  You are safe and completely whole.”

The tears fell but somehow she felt her need expand inside her body.  She swelled and all pain was lost.

“I love you too.  I’ve always loved you.”

He lifted her left hand that still held a wedding band on the ring finger.  Turning the band until it loosened and came off, he threw it to the side and she felt a sensual flutter from deep inside, startled that she didn’t miss the band on her finger.  Her eyes stayed on the man above her, his eyes and hands undressing her, baring all to him.

Making his way down her body, he lifted her legs up around his shoulders, pulling her up in front of him.  Lying flat on her back, Rogue spread her body out and crumbled the sheets in her hands.  Logan finally plunged his tongue deep inside her, moaning at the taste he’d wanted for so long.  His tongue driving in and out, he bathed the folds with the tip of it, hearing the soft whimpers escape from Rogue’s feminine mouth.

She tried to be gentle but he felt her legs tightening around his neck, urging him on, urging him to give her release.  Feeling the power of her thighs, he gave in, encircling her clit relentlessly, hearing her whimpers increase to cries.  Using little available space, he thrust two fingers inside her, rubbing her juices on his fingers.  She arched her back and squeezed her legs before releasing, allowing him breathing room as he gently grazed her clit with his teeth, evoking a spasm inside her, her orgasm tearing through.  Lazily soothing her, he used the flat surface of his tongue to coat her opening and her folds, gathering her essence as she rode out the waves.

“Logan,” she sighed.

He licked his lips and made his way up her body, cupping her face.

“Look at me, Rogue.”

She opened her hazy eyes.

“I want you long after this.  I want you here and now, but I want you forever.  I’m not letting you go after tonight,” he said, entering her hard and swiftly, flooding her soaked entrance.

“God!” she cried out, bringing her body up to meet his.

Reaching down, Rogue took him into her hand.  She gripped him lightly but securely and began pumping him.  As she tightened her walls around him he groaned against her, thrusting hard.  Stealing a look down he looked between their bodies and saw himself inside her, literally losing himself in her and he shuddered.  Roughly, Rogue reached up and pulled him to her.

“Kiss me.”

Lips entangled with each other just as their bodies did.  Logan tore Rogue’s hand away so that he could drive into her more effectively.  He was marking Rogue, making sure everyone knew she was his.

“I need this,” she heard him say, his fingers diving into her hair.  “I need this with you.”

“I’m here; I’m here with you now.”

She was too in love with the sensations to make the promises he needed.  Her hand reached up against his face, touching it genuinely.

“Yes, please, more,” she whimpered against his mouth.

He sank his tongue inside her mouth, dueling with hers, mimicking the actions of their lower bodies.  He knew she was close when she arched against him so he pumped himself more rapidly, feeling his own spasms begin.  Still smelling the wine on her lips, he licked it off of her, as he scooped his hands beneath her to cup her bottom, thrusting more fully into her.

He grazed her inside in just the right place, breaking the dam, the orgasm tearing inside her.  Logan let go, joining her in the delicious fall, never leaving her body.

After many long minutes, Rogue rested herself between the wrinkled sheets on his bare chest while his hand lay possessively on her waist.

She knew Logan recovered much faster than she did and that he would probably want to do this several times before the night was over but she was deep in thought, deep in recovery, and deep in something else she couldn’t quite name.


She shivered slightly at the use of her real name.  She forced her tired torso up off his chest and looked at him.  Her hair was a mess, her lips were swollen and she had slight bruises along her breasts where he’d sucked and nipped her.

But she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

“Tell me you don’t love me,” he challenged.

The corners of her mouth tipped up in a small smile.  “Loving you was never the problem.  I couldn’t not love you, Logan.  I have felt things for you since before it was appropriate.  Since before I understood them.  I’m still facing that problem.”

“But you’re still in love with him.”

“Logan, can’t we use this time to be in love with each other?  We were just together in a beautiful way.  I want to be with you.  Give me five minutes before you grill me about the choices I will no doubt have to make.”

He pulled her to him, covering her up and holding her close.  She welcomed herself in his arms, breathing him in.

“I just don’t want to lose you.  And…you’re right.  I never really had you but to me, I had you first.”

“You did know me first,” she answered.  “But…you know I’ve been deeply in love with someone else.  It’s hard to just fall out of love with him.”

“Have you?”

“I-I don’t know.  I know how much I’m falling for you.  It’s your face I’m seeing when I go to sleep at night and your face I want to see when I wake up.  But Logan, you could say all these things and then you could be gone the next day.  Do you really want to make a life with me?”

Logan, for the first time that he could consciously remember, he could see it all, the entire life package, and he wanted it with her.

“Yes, everything that life could mean.  The kids, being an X-Men, everything.”

“You never intended this to be just one night, did you?  You wanted this to be it.  You wanted to use this as the catalyst for the beginning of us.”

“You better believe it,” he whispered softly.  “If you thought I was relentless before.”

Rogue exhaled a sad laugh.

“Are you sure you can’t just have me and let me go?  Are you absolutely certain?  Because this is my life and I promised it to someone else.”

Logan sat up, taking her body to an upright position with him.

“Lemme ask you this.  If there were no Gambit, would you be with me forever?”

Her heart melted inside with his words.

“Without a second thought.”

“Babe, exactly.”

He pulled her lips to his for a full-blown kiss.

“You are mine.”

As she kissed him, she allowed herself to fall into him and finally, it felt right.  She smiled against his mouth.

“Yes, Logan.  I am.”

~~~~To Be Continued~~~~

author: paradisekendra, rating: nc-17, genre: angst, universe: au, genre: shipperfic, fic

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