What Do You Want From Me- Part 3/?,

Aug 15, 2010 13:14

Title: What Do You Want From Me
Chapter: 3- Incompatible
Author: alexmonalisa
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*
Feedback: Better than chocolate cake
Summary: AU/No Powers. Marie Turner is twenty and trying to get by. Logan Howlette is thirty and working at a dead end job. One night fate intercedes and their life’s are bound together forever.
Author’s notes: Sorry it's late and thanks Karen for the nudge! Little short but I'm juggling other stories right now. And yes it does seem weird that I chose Jubilee as his sister but hey, that's not going to be the biggest surprise.


Marie sat across from Jubilee the next morning feeling more at peace than she had in a long time. There were no noisy neighbours, no waking up at four am to go to work and no having to eat three day old Chinese food. Looking at the plate of food Jubilee had made, Marie smiled and dug in. Lena was still sleeping peacefully her room which Logan had for the one time he took her for a weekend. Marie had had to go out of town and had practically begged Logan to do it. Moaning happily as she finished her food, Marie picked up her plate and Jubilee’s and walked over to the sink. She washed the dishes and set them to dry. She then turned slowly to look at Jubilee, who was sitting at the counter, reading the morning paper. Marie walked past her and headed towards the room where Lena was to get her bags. It felt weird walking around in just the white t-shirt she was wearing in a house that wasn’t her own. The front door opening made her freeze and she slowly turned. Logan’s gaze swept over her and his expression from one of shock to pure anger.

“The hell you doing here?”

Before Marie could answer, Jubilee ran in from the kitchen, skidding across the floor. She smiled at Logan and launched herself at him. He hugged her back before pulling away and glaring at Marie.

“Hey Firecracker.”

“Hey yourself Wolvie.”

“Wanna explain?”

“They needed a place to stay.”

“That’s not my fucking problem.”

“Language bro.”

“Look-“ Marie whispered.

“Get your shit and go.”

“Logan!” yelled Jubilee.

“Don’t get pulled in by her Jubilee. She’s nothing but a black mailing bitch.”

Marie was about to retort when a piercing cry shifted her attention. She shot a dark glare at Logan.

“Thanks a lot.” She hissed, before hurrying off to Lena.

Once she arrived in the room, she found the little girl sitting up on the bed, little tears running down her porcelain face. Marie smiled and scooped up her little girl.

“Did we wake you sweetie?”


“You hungry?”

Lena stared at her before giggling and burying her face in Marie’s shoulder. Marie rolled her eyes and took Lena to the bathroom. She left the door open and heard Logan sigh before talking to Jubilee.

“It’s not that I don’t care kid. I just don’t trust her.”

“She’s going through a rough time. A little human kindness never hurt anyone.”

“You can’t just invite people into my house.”

“You’ve invited me here as a housemate, not guest and therefore I can do what I want. Also she’s not anyone. She is the woman who gave birth to your child.”

“What if people find out? Your birthday party is in a week and if she’s here-“

“Say she’s a friend of mine.”

“And the kid?”

“Keep her away from the observant people that will notice she looks like you.”

Marie heard Logan sigh. She crossed her fingers in hope.

“Fine. They can stay.”

“Yes!” squealed Jubilee

Marie smiled and turned to Lena who was sitting on the floor playing a can of shaving foam. Rolling her eyes, Marie took the can from the toddler’s hands and took off Lena’s pink pj’s. Taking a washcloth from the bag she’d left in the bathroom, she cleaned Lena up and changed her into a green dress. She washed herself quickly and slipped back into Lena’s room to change into jeans and a blue t-shirt. She stuck her black flip-flops on and picked up Lena, heading to the kitchen. Logan was sitting where Jubilee previously was and reading the paper, while Jubilee, now wearing a yellow dress, was outside watering the garden. Logan turned and smiled as Marie entered the kitchen, his gaze focused on Lena.

“Daddee!” squealed Lena.

“Hey babygirl.”

Marie sighed and grudgingly handed Lena over to him. He took her and blew on her belly, causing her to burst into a fit a giggles. Marie opened the fridge and took out the carrots she’d cut up earlier that morning. She warmed the food for a few minutes before putting it in front of Logan. He stopped tossing and tickling Lena and looked at the food in disgust.

“Rabbit food.” He muttered.

“No. Something healthy.”

Logan grunted but Lena was leaning towards the food. Marie knew her daughter better than anyone and Lena’s favourite food changed like the weather. Meaning she offered vegetables first to see if hopefully Lena would eat some but when she didn’t Marie simply pulled out the sugary cereals. But it seemed today was one of those lucky days when vegetables were on the menu. Marie watched happily as Lena dug into her breakfast, and headed outside. Jubilee was done watering plants and sitting by the lilies. Marie sat beside her and stretched out her legs.

“It’s going to be sunny.” Remarked Marie.

“I know, I was thinking about hitting the beach.”

“Sounds good.”

“You want to come with? Logan said you guys could stay.”

Marie bit her lip before frowning.



“I’ve never been to the beach.”


“No... I can’t even swim.”

“Well that’s okay. You can just dip your toes in and play with Lena.”

“Okay then. We’ll go.”


Jubilee jumped up and headed into the kitchen. Marie took a deep breath before following her. Logan was still in the kitchen, rocking Lena as the little girl cried. Marie sighed and reached for her daughter.

“What’s wrong with her?” asked Logan.

“Little dumpling's last teeth are pushing through and it makes her very grumpy.” Cooed Marie, while carefully rocking Lena.

“Nothing a trip to the beach won’t cure.” Giggled Jubilee.

“Let me get changed.” Sighed Logan.

“Yay, Wolvie’s coming with!”

Logan smiled at Jubilee and kissed her head. She smirked and swatted him away. Marie watched in fascination wishing that she had had a sibling to share something like that with. At least now she had somewhere safe to live... even if it was until Logan kicked her out.


universe: au, author: alexmonalisa, rating: r, fic, genre: drama

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