Fic: In A Plain Brown Wrapper

Aug 13, 2010 14:44

Title:  In A Plain Brown Wrapper

Author: Karen


Rating: R

Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, yada, yada, yada.

Archive Rights: All the usual places.

Feedback: Better than a fake orgasm.

Summary: This is in answer to Khaki’s request that I write a PWP version of her fic challenge; which was to write a story with the first sentence: The night was moist.
The artwork was created specifically for this story by Logan's Marie. (Click on the manip for a slightly larger version.) 
Original Publication Date: August 10, 2001

~ In A Plain Brown Wrapper ~

The night was moist and so was she as she watched Antonio remove his shirt to show off glistening, bulging biceps……

“Ugh, how can you read that crap?” Jubilee asked, peering over Kitty’s shoulder to see what her roommate was so engrossed in reading.

“Because my own love life is so damn pathetic. At least I can be happy that Gwendolyn is getting ‘some’,” Kitty replied, defending her love of bodice-ripper romance novels.

Jubilee reached under her bed, pulled out a magazine and handed it to her.

“Here ya go, Kit Kat, this is much better fodder for masturbation fantasies.”

Kitty stared down at the Playgirl that was being offered.

“Jubilation Lee! Where did you get this?” she asked, completely horrified.

“Subscription. Speaking of which, I’m gonna go check the mail, ‘cause the new issue should arrive today.”

“You have a subscription? How? Doesn’t Ms. Grey or Mr. Summers confiscate it from you the minute it arrives?”

“Nah,” Jubilee replied with a flick of her wrist,  “It comes in a plain brown wrapper. These people are very discreet you know.”

“Jubes, I can’t look at this. It’s positively indecent.”

“Duh, of course it’s indecent. That’s the point. Go on open it up, you know you wanna.”

“Maybe just a quick peek,” Kitty said, opening the magazine randomly. “Oh, my God!” she yelped.

“What? What?”

Kitty flipped the magazine around to show Jubilee what had startled her.

“Ah yes, Sven. They sure grow ‘em big in those Scandinavian countries, don’t they?” she said with a gleeful chuckle.

Kitty just turned crimson.

“I’ll be right back, hopefully with this month’s edition. While I’m gone, try not to drool on the pages too much.” And with that she bounced out of the room.

Rogue came out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around her freshly shampooed hair.

“Whatcha reading, Kit Kat?” And then strolling over to the Kitty’s bed and peering down said, “Oh, Jubes’ Playgirl. July’s issue, huh? Check out the ‘hottie’ on page 72.”

Kitty let out a gasp, “You knew about this?”

“Sure, didn’t you?” Rogue asked, surprised.

“No, not until five minutes ago. You actually look at these pictures?”

“Well, if I can’t look at Logan’s fine naked bod, I’ll have to settle for substitutes. Sometimes they have guys in there, that if you squint a bit, they kinda look a little like… ‘uh…nevermind.”

“Rogue! Logan substitutes?”

“I know. I’d much rather look at the real thing, of course. Unfortunately, until he gets past thinking of me as just a kid, I’m screwed. And tragically, I mean that figuratively.”

Just then a very excited Jubilee came charging into the bedroom.

“It’s here. The August issue of Playgirl,” she announced as she ripped the brown paper.

All three girls plopped down on Kitty’s bed and started flipping through the pages.

“Skip the ads and stupid articles…get to the good stuff already,” Kitty pleaded.

“Wow, she was easily corrupted,” Rogue chortled.

Jubilee rapidly by-passed all the ‘boring’ stuff and finally made it to the ‘good’ stuff.  All three girls let out an ear-piercing shriek simultaneously. There on the glossy pages, in full-color, artfully photographed pictures was this month’s featured hunk.

“Guess you won’t have to squint and pretend anymore, babe,” Kitty declared as they all stared at the fantasy inspiring, droolworthy photos of…. Logan.

author: karen, genre: foof, universe: au, universe: x1 (x-men), rating: r, fic

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