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week3http://locksmithy.livejournal.com/tag/poem-a-day epigraph/entry subject from Isabel Allende's Island Bneath the Sea, chapter: Dove's Egg. my LJ icon is from the cover of House of the Spirits, which i read when i was 12? or so. i remember my father was having a small chamber group rehearsing at our house one day when i was reading it and one of his musicians asked me, So, is that a spooker?! (which is the keywords for it as an icon), and i'd never heard someone refer to a genre of book like that, so casually, jokily. and the book was anything but funnily spooky to me! i was quite serious about it- i remember being totally at a loss for words. i was a young over-sensitive wordnerd. and i don't know that i've ever told that anecdote before, it's always stuck with me as an accompaying-Allende association...
25. May 27, 2010 (Thurs.)
i'm getting over my poetry peddling days' trauma...
Never being tipped for perfectly foam'd soy at Bourgie Bourgie Books'
cat-mascot'd café, Chestnut Hill. Feeling like the forgotten
not-so exotic travel room courtesan without enough counter
between you and the Square's square pegs. Having no response
to off compliments on your blouse's floral collar, or offers of cash
after you gift-wrapped a tweed suit's maps. Today is the first time
since having a sunken tub, tiny loo tiled like the Parisian metro
that i've been able to smile with my moody mauve stained lips
around the harlot gloss of new book covers.
i will leave with Isabel Allende
's newest novel. i will carry it around,
autographed with pre-pubescent allegiance
to magical realism, that this world is full of (good) spirits.
stallionbreaker who liked the matching icon i have here. tis from my post-dreadshearing first uber-Boopin' around dress-up photo-sess' with myself spring 2006.