poem a day, week4 here we go...

May 26, 2010 23:14

archived on poetesss.tumblr: week1 - week2 - *week3 justumbled!

#22?! ~ 5.24.10 (Mon.)

Is homeport's childhood bell jar now screwed firmly back
into place? i'm eager to return to Grassachusetts. At Dulles
i make my 1-stop solo pub crawl, nostalgic birthday screw
driver accompanying a sandwich means it's Brunchtime, USA.

Solo while my two glass (previously engaged, so sorry) rings
sparkle, do the text trick (boarding a plane, competitive sport).
How to tell the man who decided to sneak into my row he can leave
all the dirty tissues he wants between us, just not a styrofoam soda cup.

In my usual dose of surreality i'm collected in my own car, oh
i can always count on this hot pink peach. i don't even go upstairs
to swat at my cat, i wait downstairs to drop a clean shaven face
a few kisses and send him off to toot his horn. It's me and travel delirium

at band practice. We legionaries accept our new medals of
Victorian valor. Keyholes to wear over our hearts, bullet holes
through which you can see our carny cogs, circuitboard platelets.

upcoming tour calendar ~ http://mlle.tumblr.com/post/636267739/summah

living, poem-a-day, touring toys

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