Title: Mistaken Deity (1/1)
Rating: G
Word Count: 995
Characters: Donna, Ten
Timeline: Set post-"The Fires of Pompeii"
Summary: Donna discovers a relic from their adventure in Pompeii.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to the BBC.
A/N: Entry for
who_contest's "Anachronism" challenge.
She had done her best to get him to explain what was going on, but the Time Lord had thought showing her would be more fun. So here they were, on the Moon, in some unknown century, in a museum that was closed for the night. )
Comments 9
OMG, that legit made me tear up. Especially knowing what happens to Donna. That was so moving, and well written, and just a perfect missing scene. Also, one of my favorite episodes, and my favorite companion. So, seriously, thank you for this.
As the Doctor said when he returned Donna at the end, while she could remember nothing, the entire universe will remember her. This moment, her compassion and their gratitude, frozen in time.... you said it beautifully.
A much more mature companion than the others that seem to travel with him, and a true breath of fresh air!
As for the marble relief, I've seen a few stories about it. One of them had post-metacrisis Donna visiting a museum display about Pompeii and she gets flashes of memory, sparking off a crisis. Others have them visiting Rome again where there is a whole worship cult around that... scary, actually!
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