Title: Mistaken Deity (1/1) Rating: G Word Count: 995 Characters: Donna, Ten Timeline: Set post-"The Fires of Pompeii" Summary: Donna discovers a relic from their adventure in Pompeii. Disclaimer: It all belongs to the BBC. A/N: Entry for who_contest's "Anachronism" challenge.
So at the same time I was making up Valentine themed banners for who_at_50's February fanwork-a-thon I started a side project, which, admittedly, eclipsed the Valentines at one point so I finished the Valentines with a day to go. :-P
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Title: The Last (7/7) Rating: PG Characters: Giles, Ten Timeline: Post-"Last of the Time Lords" for Doctor Who and pre-season eight for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Spoilers for season eight. Summary: With demons threatening the safety of the planet, the Doctor turns to the one person he knows who can help: Rupert Giles. Can the two of
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Title: The Last (5/7) Rating: PG Characters: Giles, Ten Timeline: Post-"Last of the Time Lords" for Doctor Who and pre-season eight for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Spoilers for season eight. Summary: With demons threatening the safety of the planet, the Doctor turns to the one person he knows who can help: Rupert Giles. Can the two of them
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Title: The Last (3/7) Rating: PG Characters: Giles, Ten Timeline: Post-"Last of the Time Lords" for Doctor Who and pre-season eight for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Spoilers for season eight. Summary: With demons threatening the safety of the planet, the Doctor turns to the one person he knows who can help: Rupert Giles. Can the two of them save the
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Title: The Last (1/7) Rating: PG Characters: Giles, Ten Timeline: Post-"Last of the Time Lords" for Doctor Who and pre-season eight for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Spoilers for season eight. Summary: With demons threatening the safety of the planet, the Doctor turns to the one person he knows who can help: Rupert Giles. Can the two of them save the day
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