The Doctor continued to stare at Inara. She thought for a moment she had gone a step too far when suddenly he rushed over and grabbed her by the arms. The expression in his eyes was wild. “Have I told you you’re brilliant? No, more than brilliant. Exceptional. Ingenious!”
He let go of her and ran over to the screen attached
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Comments 15
I wish I could just say that Inara is stunned because the science is beyond her, but really, I had no idea how to make the exposition exciting. ;-) Though, that is the basic idea beyond the Doctor's companion: they ask the questions so the audience knows what the heck is going on. :-D
(Oh, and I just realized I'm responding with my other name. No intent to confuse)
I love how he just babbles on with the technical stuff like Inara understands.
My favorite part:
“You make it sound as if the TARDIS has a mind of her own.”
“Don’t all ships?” the Doctor said with a wide grin.
Ten is oblivious to what she is really saying. Hee. And asking the companion to be one of his companions. Nice!
And Inara used the sonic! Heh.
Favourite line:
“Won’t that be difficult?”
“Nah.” The Doctor inserted the sonic screwdriver into a hole in the console. “I turned a bicycle pump in a Vortex loop.”
The bicycle pump as a Vortex loop is courtesy of the interactive mini-episode that aired the same day as The Christmas Invasion.
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