001 // Voice - Video - optional Action for Riku, Danny // in which Sora does roll call

Nov 01, 2010 21:59

[People have been telling Sora that he looks like a mess, so it's mostly Voice for Sora for now. He's trying to keep his voice steady, but it's pretty obvious he's suffering from something very similar to a hangover or worse.]

[And if some of you are reaallly perceptive, you just might recognize that voice as the kid who went trick or treating with ( Read more... )

idk what you're talking about, lol luca's girlfriend, could use a friendly face, what happened to your face?, texts from last night - sfc style, *game: vatheon, troll fodder, captain specific, and suddenly trolls everywhere

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Comments 204

video; xlillackeykitty November 2 2010, 05:05:56 UTC
Yeah, I'm okay.

[ He pauses, frowning slightly. ]

Sora? Are you okay? You don't sound too good.

I don't think I've got a lead on any other missing memories. Mine came back just fine after this whole curse thing was over.


[voice] lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 05:11:01 UTC
[He's... gonna go ahead and stick to voice for now.]

[He sighs. Stupid curse.] Who's a guy gotta talk to to get this thing fixed.

Um. Kinda. I mean I'll be okay, but a lot of weird stuff happened last night.


video; xlillackeykitty November 2 2010, 05:13:54 UTC
Weird stuff? You mean weirder than the curse?
That's kind of hard to swallow.

[ Head goes on hand, still trying to figure it out. ]

Want to talk about it? It might give me a few leads and we can get to the bottom of this.


voice; lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 05:24:45 UTC
Well I mean, things were okay when we saw you. But after I got home, both Riku and Danny were gone. Then there was that really weird message on the network.

I went to go look for Riku and ran into Cloud, who... well he wasn't good at all. I'm still looking for hi to make sure he's okay...

And then ... then that's it. I woke up this morning and Riku says he found me and Danny knocked out somewhere. I don't remember anything about it.


voice; ninthserenade November 2 2010, 05:10:44 UTC
Talk to 'em, I guess.

Define 'spiky', 'cause I'm in the middle of fixing mine.


voice; lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 05:14:52 UTC
Not you.

[His tone changes from mildly irritated to neutral again. Because he'll talk to Demyx if he can get a good idea where his friend is.]

... Cloud. Like big blonde spikes. He always carries around a big sword.


Re: voice; ninthserenade November 2 2010, 05:18:02 UTC
Sheesh, no need to be rude about it.

[It's okay Sora, this guy wont drown your goldfish.]

I saw a guy like that the other day when my memory was all wonky.


voice; lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 05:23:33 UTC
[Keep being this helpful, and he won't try to prank you back, mister! But uh... here's a bunch of questions you might have some trouble keeping track of?]

You did!? Where was he? Was he okay? Was he in trouble? Did you talk to him?


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text. lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 05:58:56 UTC
you have?! whens the last time you saw him

is he okay?


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text. oops. sora buttonmash. lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 06:08:38 UTC
dfssfyou do?

what does he look like? is there anything weird about him?


voice. hollosea November 2 2010, 10:18:29 UTC
Hey Sora..

I'm all right, you? Who are you looking for?


voice. 1/2 lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 10:21:48 UTC
[He sounds worse for the wear, but he's hoping the smile makes him sound a lot better.]

Yeah. I got out just fine. I wanted to make sure you and everybody didn't get hurt or anything last night.


1/2 lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 10:23:52 UTC
[But Leon's second question seems to take him down a notch.]

... I was looking for Cloud. I ran into him yesterday when everybody was forgetting things.

[And from the sound of it, it didn't end too well.]


hollosea November 2 2010, 10:35:04 UTC

We'll find him. Or he'll find us.

Find out if anyone was hurt?


shard_finder November 2 2010, 23:21:06 UTC
Is everything okay Sora?


[Voice] lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 23:23:04 UTC
[He knows this girl, doesn't he?]

Oh, hey. Kagome, right?

Yeah. I'm fine, really. I think I'm just missing a few memories still, that's all. It's probably nothing to worry about.


[Voice] shard_finder November 2 2010, 23:42:09 UTC
Right Sora!

You're missing memories? I..think all of mine are back...


[Voice] lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 23:50:00 UTC
Really? Geeze. My curse is sure taking a long time to wear off, huh?

[He laughs a little. It's a nervous one, trying to make the subject lighter than it is.]

I'm glad you got your memories back. Did you get out of last night okay?

[Because most of the friends he knows have had some pretty interesting things happen to them this Halloween.]


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