001 // Voice - Video - optional Action for Riku, Danny // in which Sora does roll call

Nov 01, 2010 21:59

[People have been telling Sora that he looks like a mess, so it's mostly Voice for Sora for now. He's trying to keep his voice steady, but it's pretty obvious he's suffering from something very similar to a hangover or worse.]

[And if some of you are reaallly perceptive, you just might recognize that voice as the kid who went trick or treating with ( Read more... )

idk what you're talking about, lol luca's girlfriend, could use a friendly face, what happened to your face?, texts from last night - sfc style, *game: vatheon, troll fodder, captain specific, and suddenly trolls everywhere

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video; xlillackeykitty November 2 2010, 05:05:56 UTC
Yeah, I'm okay.

[ He pauses, frowning slightly. ]

Sora? Are you okay? You don't sound too good.

I don't think I've got a lead on any other missing memories. Mine came back just fine after this whole curse thing was over.


[voice] lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 05:11:01 UTC
[He's... gonna go ahead and stick to voice for now.]

[He sighs. Stupid curse.] Who's a guy gotta talk to to get this thing fixed.

Um. Kinda. I mean I'll be okay, but a lot of weird stuff happened last night.


video; xlillackeykitty November 2 2010, 05:13:54 UTC
Weird stuff? You mean weirder than the curse?
That's kind of hard to swallow.

[ Head goes on hand, still trying to figure it out. ]

Want to talk about it? It might give me a few leads and we can get to the bottom of this.


voice; lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 05:24:45 UTC
Well I mean, things were okay when we saw you. But after I got home, both Riku and Danny were gone. Then there was that really weird message on the network.

I went to go look for Riku and ran into Cloud, who... well he wasn't good at all. I'm still looking for hi to make sure he's okay...

And then ... then that's it. I woke up this morning and Riku says he found me and Danny knocked out somewhere. I don't remember anything about it.


Video; no, I'm sure Jade's candy had nothing to do with this. xlillackeykitty November 2 2010, 05:42:12 UTC
Sounds like you had a pretty rough night.
You sure you didn't pick up any weird candy along with everything else?


voice; you. never. know. lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 05:44:03 UTC
What does candy have to do with any of this? I didn't even get to eat any last night before I went to look for Riku.

Oh... your girlfriend. I forgot to ask if she's okay too.


Video: I wouldn't be surprised... xlillackeykitty November 2 2010, 05:48:56 UTC
I don't know it was just a gue--

[ He nearly falls out of his chair. When he straightens up, he's gone all red again. ]

G.. girlfriend? Y.. you mean Bayonetta?

She's not my girlfriend!

She's... just a friend.

[ Though he seems just a teeeeeeeeny bit resentful about the last part. ]


voice; IT BEGINS LUKA. IT BEGINS lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 05:52:27 UTC
Really? But I thought...

[And then. Some silence. Then The smile. Luka can probably hear it in his voice, even if he can't see Sora.]

Oh. So it's like that then.

I get it.


XDXD You're torturing him! xlillackeykitty November 2 2010, 05:56:16 UTC
Like what?

[ He's still flustered. Oh, he can see the smile. ]

...You've totally got it all wrong, kid.


voice; only cause he likes ya, dude lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 06:00:05 UTC
I dunno. Someone sounded pretty disappointed earlier.


video; XD Torturing him seems to have taken Sora's mind of his troubles tho... xlillackeykitty November 2 2010, 06:02:37 UTC
[ This icon. This icon forever. Ah well. She wasn't home anyway. ]

Okay, so... maybe I like her.

Maybe more than like her.


voice; certainly has. luka makes him laugh. lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 06:05:10 UTC
Does she know you like her?


Video; Then he's happy to be tortured! xlillackeykitty November 2 2010, 06:13:52 UTC
I don't think so. I tried to tell her once but it kind of came out wrong. Maybe she knows, maybe she doesn't.

[ He heaves a sigh. ]

You've met her. Does she LOOK like the type to commit?


voice; lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 06:17:58 UTC
I dunno.

[His voice is a little muffled. Like he's got his eyes closed, resting his head on his arms. He's enjoying the conversation, though.]

Never know until you try?

... try again, I mean.


video; xlillackeykitty November 2 2010, 06:22:52 UTC
Her birthday's coming up. Maybe I'll give it another try then.

[ So not a stalker. ]

You really sound like you need a break, Sora. Get some rest? You'll probably feel better in the morning.


voice lockandkeyblade November 2 2010, 06:27:36 UTC
I wish. Already tried. I can't sleep for some reason.

[Maybe thinking too much? Who knows. He's been around Riku long enough to pick up the habit, that's for sure.]

... plus I'm kinda hungry anyway. Maybe I'll go eat something.


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