
Jan 04, 2014 15:37

The 2013 retrospective fic meme, grabbed from all and sundry!

The fics I wrote in 2013, and the end of year meme. Cut to save your eyes. )

my fic

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Comments 4

catwalksalone January 4 2014, 16:23:36 UTC
\Encampment/ I will forever love that fic.

Also, it's so cool to see the things we were talking about back in the summer coming to life. If I were ever to read mpreg lactation fic, it would be yours. <33333 There was a ballet story, right? Did that happen yet?


llassah January 4 2014, 17:17:03 UTC
:D I reread it the other day, and it still makes me happy.

Yes, they have! And baby I'm so proud that you'd hypothetically read my mpreg :D. It's seriously the biggest surprise that I wrote that. It makes me oddly proud

I'm slogging away at the ballet fic-- I've written the start and the end, and the middle is the bit I'm trying to get a grip on. I've spent a ridiculous amount of time looking at pas de deux and rehearsal pictures. I say it's research, but dancers, muscular backs, and butts.


soupytwist January 4 2014, 17:13:39 UTC
I am so happy you got unblocked! *huuug*


llassah January 4 2014, 17:17:45 UTC
:D :D it's the consolation I've had from 2013 being excruciatingly static in every other way!


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