(no subject)

Jan 04, 2014 15:37

The 2013 retrospective fic meme, grabbed from all and sundry!

Encampment, A Knights Tale, Wat/Geoffrey, teen, 2255 words.
A slice of life fic, set on the road to Paris. This travelling life and romance are taking their toll for our noble heroes.

Of Monsters Harry Potter, Remus/Sirius, explicit, 8982 words.
Sirius always expected to go into the Black family business. Said family business just happens to involve kneecappings, murder, and the most powerful criminals in London. When Sirius decides to leave home at nineteen with a briefcase full of money and a few other essentials, he has no idea that he will end up sharing a dosshouse with a lunatic in a tweed jacket with the reading habits of an Oxford don and staggering intermittent anger issues. Sad thing is, it’s probably the safest place for him right now. Until it isn’t.
romantic songs about adventurous fucking (but my body's telling me yes) Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, explicit, 6067 words.
Derek comes back to Beacon Hills for a number of reasons. The most important one, though, is the result of a one night stand in Vegas. He's knocked up and Alpha, and Cora won't stop playing Papa Don't Preach whenever she gets to pick the music in the car. This shit just keeps happening to him.

Or, in which Derek gets the D, Stiles gets the D, then Derek gets Stiles's D.

but songs about sex were way better in the nineties (twenty three positions in a one night stand) Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, explicit, 12733 words.
The sequel to romantic songs about adventurous fucking. In which there's increasingly dirty pregnancy sex, an accidental relationship, a hint of plot, elasticated jeans, aggressive grape eating and childbirth. Nearly in that order.

the kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, explicit, 3603 words.
This fic came about because of this discussion of kinkshaming (I say discussion. I mean glorious rainbow of Derek Hale being the saddest werewolf in the world.) in which it was decided that Derek would have the most innocuous kinks and the biggest feelings of shame about them. Cue Stiles, the most cheerfully adventurous college freshman ever to sleep with two sets of identical twins in a night.

Things get better. Actually, they don't. He just gets better at picking people who don't talk. He does just about enough to get himself off, makes sure they come too. He leaves before the morning, goes for a long run afterwards and doesn't end up topless in a fountain. Which is an improvement.

Sleight Coriolanus, explicit, Coriolanus/Tullus Aufidius, 2389 words. Written for yuletide 2013.
This is a hate story.

He is not a clever man, but he is a good one. A good soldier. Coriolanus is a better one.

Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
More. I've been in a year long depression. I haven't felt happy for longer than three days for about a year, so when I snapped out of my writer's block in september, I was overjoyed.

Where did you publish/archive your stories?
AO3. Some here, too, but mostly AO3.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2013?

What’s your favourite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Of Monsters. I chose a style, and I stuck to it. Plus, it was the story that got me writing again.

Okay, NOW your most popular story.
the kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about. Which I'm still enormously tickled by. I fucking loved writing that.

Story most underappreciated by the universe?
People have been lovely about my fics. I don't really feel entitled to anything more than what I had.

Story that could have been better?
Sleight. Given more time. I don't know-- I'm proud of it, and I think the things I deliberately limited in it, like making it a fic of a play without any dialogue in it, added to it.

Sexiest story?
God, probably romantic songs about adventurous fucking. The bit at the end. I went a little bit all out about it. I think the thing that's changed in my writing is I've gotten more aware of what turns my crank, and that's porn that determined by the characters. It's made a difference to how I approach sex scenes, and I think it's improved my writing.

Most fun story?
I loved writing Encampment.

Story with single sweetest moment?

I guess...Derek talking to his baby bump in but songs about sex were way better in the nineties. It's about mauling a deer, but still. It's bonding. I wrote whole paragraphs of weird baby talk.

The story that made you cry?
No tear ducts.

Hardest story to write?
My yuletide fic, without a doubt. My recipient had zero fandom footprint, which, fine, yuletide is probably a fantastic way to dip your feet into how writing for a fandom works, because the smaller fandoms don't have the ridiculous wanky baggage etc, but gosh. I had nothing to go on. She wrote a dear author letter, which helped, but I stalk my recipient. I am the creepiest yuletide writer ever. I got so into one of my recipients I still stalk her tumblr from time to time. Yeah. It was worth it, though. I hope she was happy with it, and I hope she keeps doing yuletide, but I would have liked to stalk her a bit more first.

PLUS, I kind of maybe wrote a coriolanus fic having never seen the play. It was all written based on my reading of the script, and on my research into rome. We'd matched on a different fandom, but I love hatesex, so. I got the loveliest feedback on that fic, which I feel very guilty about in a way.

Easiest story to write?
derek hale mpreg. I was in berlin, wandering around, looking at things and just the feeling of having no one who knew me, or who wanted anything from me just freed up my mind completely.

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story.
I'm not ashamed of anything. I think something being 'wrong' per say is a misleading term. Having said that, mpreg, male lactation, and knotting. I'm proud. I'd write it again, but thing is, I have in the past completely not understood the appeal of knotting. Like, I think I have bonded with people about my incomprehension of knotting.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters
It hasn't been posted yet. But the next fic I post, I think. I know it doesn't count really, but I'm counting january 2014 as 2013 still.

Most overdue story?
picfor1000 2013. I couldn't write anything. So it's overdue as in nonexistent. Still bummed about that.

Most unintentionally telling story.
Sleight, probably. I've got the worst inferiority complex. It's stupid.

Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?
Learn how to pace better. Get grammar locked down properly. Keep doing what I love. Don't get blocked again. More boners touching. More femslash.

my fic

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