Placeholder for Yuletide Letter

Oct 14, 2013 07:40

General likes/dislikes: I prefer happy endings, and don't like character bashing. I don't have any real OTPs in any fandom, so write what suits you! I have a massive competency kink. Sex wise, write to your comfort level. I'm open to pretty much any level of filth.

More specific things: (again, write to your comfort level. I'll give you a few pointers/vague wishes for inspiration, but my god anything would be wonderful because you wrote it.)

1: Rivers Of London: Anything casefic related, and anything connected to jazz in some way (something to do with the sisters in Moon Over Soho would make me exceedingly happy!)

Or tell me all about Thomas Nightingale.

One of the things I am especially fond of in this series is how it treats art, architecture, music and theatre. Peter Grant knows his shit, yo. I love that, and I love fics that explore that. I think the fic of my heart would be a series of snapshots of the three sisters over the decades. I would read that and clutch it to my heart and never let it go.
2: A Knight's Tale:I  would adore something post film, about navigating the murky waters of etiquette, connections and honour when you *really* haven't signed up for any of that. It's not just about jousting, after all. Alternatively, team fic. Or Adhemar fic!

Will Thatcher isn't of high birth. He's just in it because he loves jousting and winning, and my God post film there are SO many things that he'll have to put up with, so many things he needs to learn about, like having and managing lands, titles, keeping Jocelyn in amazing dresses, not accidentally causing feuds. Some kind of Noble Eye for the Peasant Guy would be the best thing in the whole world. Or ensemble fic, because all of them are incredible, with such rich backstories. (if you can find it in your heart to write Adhemar, please please do. He's my favourite bastard)
3: Protector of the Small: These three being awesome. Don't mind at all if it's shippy or gen- whatever makes you happy, but these three characters are largely responsible for my substantial competence kink!

I'd happily read about Kel making a cup of tea.

4:Vintner's Luck: Tell me all about Xas.

This book slayed me. Something of the style she has would be amazing, if you feel you can.

5:Regency Buck: Judith and Julian, and arguing. Can be as kinky as you feel comfortable with.

Jesus give me spanking fic. Or any kind of dominance play. Anything, he can boss her around, whatever you like, I just...yeah.
6: Friday's Child: Anything with this team (any pairing or combination thereof) getting into and out of trouble.

Please give me more of these amazing, ridiculous humans. Orgies or friendships or something in between.

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