FIC: Moment of Metamorphosis (1/1)

Jun 02, 2004 10:07

Just a quick little "The Tok'ra, Part 2" fic that was hitting me over the head last night while I tried to grade homework....

Moment of Metamorphosis
by LJ
spoilers for “The Tok’ra, Part 2"

Selmak remembers Egypt: warm sand, warmer sun. A Tau’ri host now long since dead, bones scattered and flesh turned to dust. A beautiful young woman with tanned skin, oiled until it shone, inquisitive eyes, and a mind coaxed into rebellion by Egeria. Even after the blending, Nefer-amun-ra awoke with the dawn to worship the sun with the other priestesses.

One had to keep up appearances.

That had been the last truly Tau’ri host; all the others since then had been born of human parents on new worlds, some now forgotten by the Goa’uld and the Tok’ra alike - save those who had had hosts from those planets.

The new host, it seems, will be a man. Selmak doesn’t have a preference either way, though the last three have been female. Saroosh is an old woman now, but Selmak remembers the young woman, barely more than an adolescent, who volunteered to join the Tok’ra two hundred years ago. Things have changed since then.

Saroosh is old; Jolinar has gone missing (reportedly now dead); Lantash and Martouf are beside themselves; Garshaw is getting cranky; and the Tau’ri have suddenly appeared. There had been reports of mysterious strangers visiting Abydos, rumors of an explosion killing Ra. Saroosh, seeing Selmak’s memories of Ra, had spat on the ground and cursed his name. Selmak had remembered the litany for the dead, reciting - silently - the spells that would guide the host’s soul to the afterlife.

Selmak had not imagined that the Tau’ri would ever return, and now there are several here, including a sick old man to be a new host.

It has been some time since Selmak has had a male host, and like all the hosts since the beginning, that one had been young - younger than even Martouf now looks. Virile, full of energy - not possessing great beauty, but Selmak prefers hosts with personality or intellect anyway. Look what beauty did to Anise! How different will it be to join with a Tau’ri man already long past his prime? A man who has only now learned of the Tok’ra and the Stargates and the war against the Goa’uld? A man with at least one child still living - that blonde girl, the one who resembles Rosha in a way and claims to have known Jolinar. Selmak has had hosts who have buried their children, but none with any still living. How different can this new lifetime be?

‘Time to find out,’ Selmak thinks to herself, whispering farewells to Saroosh, who is now struggling to breathe.

‘Have fun with the crazy old man,’ Saroosh replies.

Saroosh dies.

Selmak blends with Jacob Carter.

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