*sigh* It's my birthday and not only do I have to grade papers and write some of my own (it's the end of the quarter), but the evil roommate still has not moved out.
She was supposed to have moved out June 1st or 2nd.
No clue what's going on with that.
Rented some discs last night and watched ST:TOS "Mirror, Mirror". Oh, yes, this was the sixties! Look how Uhura is always showing off her legs! Oh, the horror of the Babe of the Week's hairdo! Oh, Spock, I think you're more human than you let on - "I found them...refreshing." And oh gods, the fake thunder. And why the hell does Jim Kirk know everything? Come on, Scotty - you're the engineer, you should be the one spouting off scientific tangents and figuring things out. "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not an engineer."
None of this bothered me when I was in elementary school and we would watch TOS on the weekends. I've been spoiled by modern TV production. Hehehe...
I've finally figured out who Original!Connor from ATS reminds me of: Mirrorverse!Chekhov. They're clones.
Saw the new Harry Potter this morning. Very cute. I don't read the books, so I have no clue on the book-to-movie variation, but it was cute and that's good enough for me. Depth is not necessary for enjoyment.
Thanks to
jadespencer357 for the birthday salutations.
Actually birthday celebrations will probably be in July, jointly with my mom's birthday. I'll be home for a while then, escaping the blasted Californian summer heat. It's supposed to be 90 today. Yech.