(no subject)

Jun 09, 2004 08:25

My insane schedule from now until the end of the quarter:

Wednesday, June 9 - Last day of actual classes
12 noon - Lin 1 - return homework to students (this might not happen, but it's a goal)
1pm - Typology lecture
3pm - Lin 1 discussion section

Thursday, June 10
finish ESL grammar paper
write teaching report

Friday, June 11
10am - ESL grammar paper due, teaching report due
2.30pm - meet with professor to review video tape of my teaching
3-5pm - office hour for Lin 1 students who are freaking out over the final

Saturday, June 12
10.30am - Lin 1 final
work on Phonetics paper, take-home final, etc
grade Lin 1 finals???

Sunday, June 13
work on Phonetics paper, take-home final, etc

Monday, June 14
11am - Phonetics production test
work on Phonetics paper, take-home final, etc

Tuesday, June 15
5pm - phonetics paper, take-home final, etc due
work on Typology paper and take-home final

Wednesday, June 16
work on Typology paper and take-home final

Thursday, June 17
(time uncertain) - Typology paper and take-home final due

Friday, June 18
sleep in
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