Your right. But I figure most people assume that you can only make community memories public or members-only, just like when you post to a community. I had never thought to think that memories could be maintainers- only. Actually, that's kinda pointless unless you memorize an entry outside of the community that you only want maintainers to see.
It could also be used for moderation purposes -- say there's an entry that's problematic for some reason or other (original poster, commenters), and the whole comm doesn't need to know that the maintainer(s) are keeping an eye on the issue, but it would be handy to organize it.
It's been over a month since this was brought up for discussion. If you still think we ought to document this, could you please submit a support request in the Documentation category? It'll be much easier to track everything from there.
Community memories have the following possible security levels:
[[]] memories can be viewed by any user. [[]] memories can be viewed by community members. [[]] memories can only be viewed by maintainers of that community.
Comments 9
It's been over a month since this was brought up for discussion. If you still think we ought to document this, could you please submit a support request in the Documentation category? It'll be much easier to track everything from there.
[[]] memories can be viewed by any user.
[[]] memories can be viewed by community members.
[[]] memories can only be viewed by maintainers of that community.
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