FAQ 47 says that "On each comment page there is a small toolbar set in blue that offers a variety of buttons, one of which is a small red heart with a plus sign in the upper left corner" which is not true now that S2 and styled comment pages are here.
For example, Component seems to use a red heard without a plus sign (and the background behind
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Comments 12
Not on the Read Comments/Post Comments page, though; they weren't skinnable until S2 came along.
And that's what the Memories FAQ talks about.
"heart" is a four letter word, but I'm not sure which four letters.
h-e-ar-t is another way to do it. Since so can 'ar'. And I don't know which way round is preferred.
(Reference: Rule XIII of EBAE, "Use any alternative one-cell contraction in preference to "ea" and the double-letter signs except where a contraction ending in "e" would break the "eau" trigraph".)
[next paragraph]
For those using S2 with customized comment pages, the button may have a different location and appearance. For example, it may lack the plus sign or be different color. Some styles do not offer this toolbar on comments pages, and if that is the case in your style, you will need to use an alternate method of adding memories. Navigate to the Read Comments page as described above, and make note of the URL of the entry in question. For example, visiting an entry of the user eampleusername will give the URL http://www.livejournal.com/users/exampleusername/302.html. To add this entry as a memory, you would visit the URL ... )
Also, I think all system styles should offer the toolbar.
I agree.
I'd be inclined to file the fact that A Sturdy Gesture doesn't as a bug.
I agree on this, too-and so did crschmidt, who filed Zilla Bug 1335 on 2003-09-10. (As I understood it, it's due to some S2 internals changing and ASG using an old method to get the memory link which doesn't work any more.)
it seems to me that people using their own S2 style are likely to understand how to add memories already
They may know how to add memories, but people who visit their journal may not. Remember, unless you use &style=mine, you have to suffer work with whatever the journal's owner chose.
The reason I used 302 is that I thought it was the only entry that actually exists for exampleusername, and I think example links in the FAQ should generally work. As it turns out, 289 is the right number -- I should have checked. The concept is the same regardless; it's not as if we can help it if people get confused and think that five or six or seven or eight (or more) digit numbers shouldn't be copied in their entirety.
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