Release #61.1

Feb 05, 2010 12:09

We've just pushed live a patch release to correct some of the issues from Release #61. Please welcome Release 61.1! If you're still experiencing the below issues, you may need to clear your browser cache.

  • Corrected display of Writers Block module on homepage so that Cyrillic users will see writersblock_ru questions
  • "Someone votes in a poll I posted" settings are now pulled through correctly to the notification interface (LJSV-934)
  • Notifications of anonymous comments will now be sent correctly (LJSV-933)
  • Checkboxes in polls will now record multiple selections properly (LJSV-932)
  • The "Select all" checkboxes in the Inbox are now working (LJSV-930)
  • The AJAXy popup box for comment deletion options no longer closes automatically when a checkbox is clicked (LJSV-931)
  • Lj-cuts and lj-embeds now work correctly when used with Cyrillic texts
  • jQuery has been added to the javascript code libraries as part of updating and optimizing obsolete libraries
Issues under investigation - but not yet fixed:
  • We're aware that many users are getting multiple notifications. It seems as if they're mostly comment replies from community entries; we are in the process of investigating further. If you're getting multiple notifications for anything *other* than comment replies in communities, please open a Support Request with more information.
  • We have received reports that some users, mostly in New Zealand, are having difficulty loading LiveJournal properly. This may be a problem with our Content Delivery Network getting caught in a local ISP's filter. If you're seeing pages displaying with no formatting, no userpics, or having trouble with '' hanging on loading, please open a Support Request or email '' with your IP address and a traceroute to ''. Edit: Okay, it looks like customers who are using Orcon as an internet provider are being blocked from looking up ''. We're going to do the communication from our side, but you may wish to contact their Support department, too.

checkboxes, r61.1, jquery

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