Release #95

Aug 02, 2012 12:48

Release #95 is live!

  • In the Popular Entries module which appears on the LiveJournal homepage, when hovering over any entry you can now see the number of comments, mark an entry as read, or block all future entries from that community from appearing in for you. There are also links in this module which will allow you to switch between viewing your customized version (default option) and the full ratings which will include communities you have blocked and entries you have marked as read. You can add or remove accounts from your list of blocked communities on the new Manage Ratings page.
  • The list of Popular Communities can now be sorted by either their total Social Capital, or by how many people have visited them in the last 24 hours.
  • Paid & Permanent accounts can now see a list of the most frequent commenters to their journal over a specified time period at

Bug Fixes:
  • The tab order has been fixed in the default commenting scheme so that after typing your comment, you can press Tab and then Enter to post a comment.
  • Selecting a userpic with multiple keywords should no longer revert to using your default userpic when commenting.
  • Posting a comment with your default userpic will correctly use it instead of selecting the image which comes first in alphabetical order.
  • The userpic selector in comment pages sorts images properly based on their keywords again (fixed an issue where uppercase characters were sorting improperly).
  • S2 comment pages: The missing "Expand" link on the first comment thread on a page has been fixed.
  • The Promo module should no longer appear in notifications for non-Cyrillic users.
  • The link to download the Windows Mobile app links to the proper place to download the app -
  • The "Bluetiful" style will no longer fail to load images which are necessary to display the style correctly.


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