Tis' the season, as it is often said, to embrace our companions and reflect as another year comes to pass. Considering the LiveJournal family spans geographic and cultural borders the world over, recognizing all the subtleties and diversity of December celebrations can be a daunting task.
To that end, we here at LiveJournal U.S. invite you to join us in our celebration of December holidays at LJ's very first B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Beliefs) Gift-Away! Bring out your favorite spirit of the season as we openly embrace the customs (or lack thereof) of the final month of the year. To get your chestnuts roasting, we're throwing special giveaways on both LJ and Facebook. Here are the details:
LiveJournal Writer's Block
When: Monday, December 12th to Friday, December 16th
Where: Writer's Block (found on the
What to do: Answer the Writer's Block question of the day. Your entry must be set to public.
Prizes: Everyday, we will award one lucky entry a $50 Amazon gift card.
Facebook Page
When: Monday, December 12th (12 pm PST) to Sunday, December 18th (11:59 pm PST)
LJ's Facebook page What to do: "Like us" (or continue to like us!) and submit an entry form on our Facebook giveaway app. [One entry maximum per user]
One (1) grand prize winner:
A brand new iPad 2!
And for the icing on the fruitcake-- all participants will receive a special holiday v-gift in their (secular) stocking!
*We're currently looking at changes to the site that would allow our editorial teams across the globe to cater promotions and content to specific regions. With this change, the door will be open for promotions of all kinds for all of our members.
While it's a less-than-perfect situation at the moment, I'm optimistic that these future changes will make promotional events more inclusive than ever before. We definitely understand your frustration and hope to improve the situation within the next few months.§