A "Novel" Competition

Nov 18, 2011 11:37

Greetings to all the future Steinbecks and Brontës on LJ! I hope your NaNoWriMo project has been going well! I know there is still so much to do this month and, as Polonius so efficiently pointed out, "brevity is the soul of wit", I'll try to be brief.

We're running a contest during the first week of December for all lj_nanowrimo community members who have participated in NaNoWriMo 2011. Participants are invited to submit a brief plot summary or “book jacket copy” about their novel, maximum 250 words. Here's the scoop:

When: December 1st through December 8th.
Where: lj_nanowrimo's special contest entry posting on December 1st. We'll also link it in the community's sticky entry for easy access.
What to do: submit a brief plot summary or “book jacket copy” about their novel, maximum 250 words, in the contest entry's comments.
Who wins: LJ Editors will select the top five finalists from the entries. Guest judge Mark Coker (you may remember Mark from his recent LJ interview) from Smashwords will choose one grand prize winner from the finalist pool.


1 Grand Prize winner
Amazon Kindle
Blurb.com $20 gift certificate

4 Finalists prizes
Blurb.com $20 gift certificate

(Blurb.com is a website where authors can publish hardcover or paper copies of their books.)

For some, the anticipation of this contest might feel like Waiting for Godot. For others, these words could be no more than "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" but a chance to win some prizes. Either way, we look forward to reading your submissions! Good luck, writers!

nanowrimo, kindle, lj contests, a novel competition

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