Two Days until College

Aug 21, 2010 12:42

I'm seriously freaking out about this and I don't know why. I have everything packed and ready to go. I cleaned my room so it's all nice for me when I come back. I've taken care of my bank account and my computer (his name is Harold)  and my phone so I could pretty much get in the car and leave now. And yet I'm upset and lethargic at the same time ( Read more... )

supernatural, college bound, aargh, real life

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Comments 16

soonest_mended August 21 2010, 20:03:34 UTC
Going to college is a HUGE change and even now with me being, uh, in my seventh (non-consecutive) year of college, going back makes me a little queasy and terrified.

But you will not only survive, you will have a freaking blast. CANNOT WAIT BB


lizzie_marie_23 August 21 2010, 20:38:19 UTC
I'm really excited about coming to college, it's just this period where I'm not there yet that's driving me crazy. I CANNOT WAIT!


zempasuchil August 21 2010, 20:25:03 UTC
hey, you're okay! you're about to embark on something totally new, and you've been busy for ages, and you're probably worn out and excited/nervous and this pus ANYONE in a funk! so, you know, take some deep breaths, spend some time lying around the house with family, relax a little. Besides, fic is supposed to be fun; even if it's an exchange you're not supposed to drive yourself crazy over it.


zempasuchil August 21 2010, 20:29:48 UTC
er, typo: this *puts ANYONE in a funk

I did not want to leave you thinking about pus D:

have a sammy smile:

... )


lizzie_marie_23 August 21 2010, 21:40:14 UTC
hahaha :D pus would put me in a funk though. This puts such an amusing image in my mind.

Oh thank you, my Sammysuchil!I will miss you, but it's all part of the next great adventure.

Any chance I could get an accompanying rougish wink from Dean?


zempasuchil August 22 2010, 04:31:20 UTC

... )


solo_by_choice August 22 2010, 01:14:22 UTC
Oh boy, college! This is your first year, right? God, I wish I was going back now, instead of next weekend. I'm sick of my family.


animus_wyrmis August 22 2010, 20:25:31 UTC
It is totally okay to be all weird about leaving. BUT college is an adventure and it will be the kind of adventure you experience for years. And it's going to be all sorts of fun, I promise.

Tips for when you get there: unpack. seriously. Unpack all your stuff and *especially* if you feel lonely/homesick. It will give you something to do and make you feel better. and then go to dinner with the people on your floor and watch ridiculous movies with them. and if you have trouble making friends a plate of brownies goes a loooong way.


be_themoon November 3 2010, 19:09:55 UTC
hey, sweetie! I was just thinking that I hadn't heard from you in ages - how are you doing? is college going okay?


lizzie_marie_23 November 7 2010, 17:27:47 UTC
College has been absolutely fantastic, which is the main reason I haven't done much at all on the livejournal front. I'm getting a 3.0 GPA, which is more than I ever had in high school and I have the best friends in the world.


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