Title: Ghosts
Characters: Winona Kirk, Jim Kirk, Christopher Pike, Sam Kirk, George Kirk
Word Count: 4867
Summary: George is still present for Jim and Chris even though he's dead.
Notes: written for
scripps several months ago, and I'm finally getting around to posting it.
Ghosts )
Comments 8
Can I make one suggestion? That you make proper paragraphs, on the internet it's much easier to read when the text isn't a giant wall, with only inches to tell them apart.
All in all, I really enjoyed this story. I really liked all the little details=)
Re: the paragraphs. Oh dear, you're really right. I swear it didn't look that hard to read when I was posting it. Going off to fix that now :)
Thanks for reviewing and being an inspiration while I was working on it. It really means alot to me.
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