everything going through my head now

Mar 03, 2010 18:35

So I've survived the three most terrifying experiences of my life in three  days ( Read more... )

awesome shit, star trek, aargh, what the hell brain?, real life, school stuff

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Comments 14

faorism March 4 2010, 00:51:23 UTC
I'm taking Magical Realism this semester. I've already read Hundred Years (the book we're reading now), and I swear I cried at least twice.


lizzie_marie_23 March 4 2010, 04:18:24 UTC
I definitely cried multiple times reading Hundred Years. And then I wrote a crossover with The Things They Carried, and it was awesome, I got almost a hundred percent! :D


faorism March 4 2010, 04:19:53 UTC
Oh my. That... that crossover sounds fantastic.


lizzie_marie_23 March 4 2010, 04:27:26 UTC
so you think I should post it? It's set like another chapter of The Things They Carried, with Colonel Aureliano as an extra character.


zempasuchil March 4 2010, 03:12:29 UTC
1) HAHA OMG AWESOME. I have this Che biography with a picture of him playing baseball. Baseball is huuuuge in Cuba; we watched a documentary thing on it in highschool spanish. When the US and Cuba stopped letting people travel between the countries baseball players had to decide whether they were going to stay in the states forever and bring their families, or play in Cuba. it was sad!

3) I hear The Book Thief does that. never read it. Also totally try out Terry Pratchett; Good Omens is hilarious and though Death is not the main character he is an important one. obviously. :)) Also Neil Gaiman's Sandman graphic novel series! They are AWESOME plus Death is Dream's cool big sister :D


lizzie_marie_23 March 4 2010, 04:22:48 UTC
1) Oh wow, that is really sad. Could you write me fic about a world with Castro as a baseball player and everything that would mean for history? Because that would be the coolest thing ever.

3) Book Thief is amazing! You should read it like yesterday. Actually it's what made me want more of that kind of thing. I've looked for Terry Pratchet in three used bookstores and a library, but I can't find the first book in the series anywhere. I'll check out Sandman, though. Thanks so much!


zempasuchil March 4 2010, 05:46:45 UTC
it is going to be this short:

"Castro hits it way into left field!"
La pego a la izquierda!Fidel isn't known as Fidel here. Fidel is known as CASTRO, number 16, who is getting slower at running the bases but can still hit a pretty good one ( ... )


lizzie_marie_23 March 4 2010, 11:13:05 UTC
This is awesome, thank you! But so sad. he's got everything he ever wanted, except Cuba.. I love this, but at the same time I hate it for making me cry. And then the end is just heartbreaking.

It's funny, I've done two internal assessments on Castro, but I've mostly just thought about him as a subject to study, not so much as a person with hopes and dreams that are his own and not his entire country's. So this is an entirely new paradigm for me, and that's awesome.

Ooh, ooh, book rec! The Vulnerable Observer, by Ruth Behar. It's about the painful experience of participant-observer anthropology and how it's impossible to remain entirely objective. She refers to her time growing up as a Jewish Cuban in America and the sense of loss that she could never really go back home.

How long are you still in Mexico, by the way?


ayascythe March 4 2010, 07:41:10 UTC
YAY for you surviving all the presentations! :)

And I got a book about a woman who ends up in an insane asylum and is told she has five days to live.
That sounds a lot like "Veronica decides to die". Also, what exactly is magical realism? I don't think I've heard the term before.

Fidel Castro tried out for the New York Yankees. Imagine how the world would be if he had gotten in?
That's an intriguing thought ... reminds me of Hitler trying to get into an artschool.


lizzie_marie_23 March 4 2010, 11:23:24 UTC
Yep, that's the one. I'm so surprised and pleased that someone else has read it. So far it's really good, but a bit sad.

Magical realism is a style in which the normal and supernatural interact all the time, but none of the characters really finds anything odd about it. It's been described as "fantasy for Latin American writers" but it's really more exciting than that. Also, all the magical realism books I've read with mess with time, which is awesome.

Oh wow, I never thought to connect those two. Now I've got something new to think about...


samueljames March 4 2010, 18:24:35 UTC
Yay for the good feedback and the Othello piece. Hope school is less stressful these days.


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