First of all I want to say this family is quite adorable. All of them.
As for the baby glitch, I had the same one and mine was caused by some bad CC, they were some sort of sneakers I think, so you might want to look it up online.
As far as editing goes, have you tried GIMP. I was a die hard Photoshopper but I've not found anything that was on photoshop that you can't do on GIMP.
For you... for you I have much love. MUCH LOVE! I squealed when I saw Luna on your front page and smiled widely at your emotion pictures. Then... then this update comes around. Lottie=WIN. I almost fell out of my seat when I saw Charlie Mcdonald's face! :D And then... then you put the doctor in! I squealed and now my roomates think I'm more insane than ever... so, let's be friends. Best friends :P
Yes, the baby glitch was a while ago. I looked it up and it WAS a bad piece of CC, but I have since got rid of it and the babies are normal again. Like I said, this all happened a long time ago, it's just that now I'm posting it. I suck at updating :(
I have tried GIMP! Not for editing my Sim pictures, as it was a long time ago, but I liked it for the most part. I got rid of it when I stopped using it, and I haven't downloaded it since I started this legacy. That's something to look into.
I love Luna so much, she is my favorite female HP character of all time. HAHAHA, Lottie cracks me up, and it was an appropriate reaction because Nara turns out to be a quite girlie in her appearance. I ♥ CHARLIE McDONALD. I'm slowly but surely working my way through Dr. Who. I love his face. ++
I do that all the time, and my roommate is constantly asking what's wrong. If insanity is wrong, let's never be right. So how about INSANE best friends? :D
Thank you so much for reading! You've made my day!
Oh, ok. Don't worry, I'm in the same boat with you. I'm really bad at updates... Love playing, love taking the pictures... as for writing it just kinda goes ... meh~ I'll do it later...
I normally use GIMP, not that my picture get much editing/are worth comparing the ultimate uses of it, haha.
I'd say she was my favorite of the females as well. As for overall, I'd have to say there are about... three guys that go far beyond my love for her, unfortunately. I started watching Matt Smith but once I got caught up on him, I went back to series one with Christopher Eccleston and am slowly making my way through David Tennant. Still on the second series, though.
If I can remember to download it again, I'll try to start using it for Generation 2, since most of my pictures for Generation 1 are already taken.
I really want to get into Dr. Who, but I'm a slow-goer when it comes to TV shows that have a lot of seasons out already. But I marathon like a pro, so once I get into it, I'm unstoppable :D I love Matt Smith's face. Every time I see him, I smile, even though I haven't watched him as the Doctor yet.
Oh God, I'm sure we could talk FOREVER about Harry Potter... sounds like a plan! ;D
Okay, so there was a lot of excellence going on here. I will attempt to dissect it.
Point 1- All of your sims (plus Jude) are so pretty! Point 2- Anything with A Game Of Thrones is automatically awesome. Point 3- Same for Doctor Who. I love Doctor Who. Point 4- And ditto for Charlie MacDonald. (Or is it McDonald? Can't recall.) Point 5- I enjoyed reading it very much!
I forget all about putting walls up in the early stages of my legacy as well. In fact, because I too play way far ahead, those are all the pictures I have. I've gotten to a point where I have teenagers in game that haven't been born according to my legacy... Sorry for rambling. I look forward to the next update!
Response 1- Thank you SO MUCH! ♥ That's like, one of the best compliments XD Response 2- Blood of my blood. The level of awesome of A Game of Thrones is unparallelled. It is known. Response 3- I am a n00b to Dr. Who, but I am trying to get into it. I hear good things, though! Response 4- Alex Day is my favorite, but Charlie is made of puppies and sunshine. Response 5- Thank you so much, I love gaining new readers :')
Yeah, the update after this one is when the last of the children are finally born, but in my actual game play those last children are already teens, almost YAs. It's embarrassing, which is why I'm updating like a beast right now so I can do an heir poll (I've always wanted to do one, and now it's so close I can TASTE it).
Thank you so much again for your kind words and for reading! :)
BRANDI. DID YOU SEE THIS POST? If you did, I don't except a reply ever, because your head would have clearly exploded. ORLANDO! SHIRTLESS! WITH THE BABY!
I have a feeling Myla would give Roman a run for his money. Though knowing the two are related makes me extremely happy. HAPPINESS IS FLAWLESS HIPSTER SIMS.
I HAVE seen that picture. I pretty much internet stalk those two, all day every day. Well, okay, not that drastic, but just about. Talk about robbing you of your ovaries, right? WE NEED OURS THOUGH, FOR ACCENTED GINGER BABIES.
The ASOIAF references don't stop. In fact, I'm pretty sure they keep GROWING STRONGER. (C wut I did thar?)
Quill turns out to be a surprise. He's so freaking cute when he smiles, I can't. I really think he was the cutest of the toddlers. MY BIAS, LET ME SHOW IT TO YOU, right? I don't care anymore. I play the game of thrones favorites.
Comments 8
As for the baby glitch, I had the same one and mine was caused by some bad CC, they were some sort of sneakers I think, so you might want to look it up online.
As far as editing goes, have you tried GIMP. I was a die hard Photoshopper but I've not found anything that was on photoshop that you can't do on GIMP.
For you... for you I have much love. MUCH LOVE! I squealed when I saw Luna on your front page and smiled widely at your emotion pictures. Then... then this update comes around. Lottie=WIN. I almost fell out of my seat when I saw Charlie Mcdonald's face! :D And then... then you put the doctor in! I squealed and now my roomates think I'm more insane than ever... so, let's be friends. Best friends :P
Yes, the baby glitch was a while ago. I looked it up and it WAS a bad piece of CC, but I have since got rid of it and the babies are normal again. Like I said, this all happened a long time ago, it's just that now I'm posting it. I suck at updating :(
I have tried GIMP! Not for editing my Sim pictures, as it was a long time ago, but I liked it for the most part. I got rid of it when I stopped using it, and I haven't downloaded it since I started this legacy. That's something to look into.
I love Luna so much, she is my favorite female HP character of all time. HAHAHA, Lottie cracks me up, and it was an appropriate reaction because Nara turns out to be a quite girlie in her appearance. I ♥ CHARLIE McDONALD. I'm slowly but surely working my way through Dr. Who. I love his face. ++
I do that all the time, and my roommate is constantly asking what's wrong. If insanity is wrong, let's never be right. So how about INSANE best friends? :D
Thank you so much for reading! You've made my day!
Oh, ok. Don't worry, I'm in the same boat with you. I'm really bad at updates... Love playing, love taking the pictures... as for writing it just kinda goes ... meh~ I'll do it later...
I normally use GIMP, not that my picture get much editing/are worth comparing the ultimate uses of it, haha.
I'd say she was my favorite of the females as well. As for overall, I'd have to say there are about... three guys that go far beyond my love for her, unfortunately. I started watching Matt Smith but once I got caught up on him, I went back to series one with Christopher Eccleston and am slowly making my way through David Tennant. Still on the second series, though.
Agreed! :)
I really want to get into Dr. Who, but I'm a slow-goer when it comes to TV shows that have a lot of seasons out already. But I marathon like a pro, so once I get into it, I'm unstoppable :D I love Matt Smith's face. Every time I see him, I smile, even though I haven't watched him as the Doctor yet.
Oh God, I'm sure we could talk FOREVER about Harry Potter... sounds like a plan! ;D
Point 1- All of your sims (plus Jude) are so pretty!
Point 2- Anything with A Game Of Thrones is automatically awesome.
Point 3- Same for Doctor Who. I love Doctor Who.
Point 4- And ditto for Charlie MacDonald. (Or is it McDonald? Can't recall.)
Point 5- I enjoyed reading it very much!
I forget all about putting walls up in the early stages of my legacy as well. In fact, because I too play way far ahead, those are all the pictures I have. I've gotten to a point where I have teenagers in game that haven't been born according to my legacy... Sorry for rambling. I look forward to the next update!
Response 2- Blood of my blood. The level of awesome of A Game of Thrones is unparallelled. It is known.
Response 3- I am a n00b to Dr. Who, but I am trying to get into it. I hear good things, though!
Response 4- Alex Day is my favorite, but Charlie is made of puppies and sunshine.
Response 5- Thank you so much, I love gaining new readers :')
Yeah, the update after this one is when the last of the children are finally born, but in my actual game play those last children are already teens, almost YAs. It's embarrassing, which is why I'm updating like a beast right now so I can do an heir poll (I've always wanted to do one, and now it's so close I can TASTE it).
Thank you so much again for your kind words and for reading! :)
( ... )
I HAVE seen that picture. I pretty much internet stalk those two, all day every day. Well, okay, not that drastic, but just about. Talk about robbing you of your ovaries, right? WE NEED OURS THOUGH, FOR ACCENTED GINGER BABIES.
The ASOIAF references don't stop. In fact, I'm pretty sure they keep GROWING STRONGER. (C wut I did thar?)
Quill turns out to be a surprise. He's so freaking cute when he smiles, I can't. I really think he was the cutest of the toddlers. MY BIAS, LET ME SHOW IT TO YOU, right? I don't care anymore. I play the game of thrones favorites.
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