Haven't We Met?

Jul 19, 2005 15:19

Meme snurched from lil_banik_slave

Copy your friends from you user info into your journal and bold those you`ve met in real life:

1337caveman, _vii_, agent_rouka, allegradestina, astrogirl2, billietallent, chaos_pockets, chazjazz, christianmystic, computer_boy, crispengray, cruelest_month, curlyjo1, dofunkychickens, fair_witness, faith_of_borg, flydog, fried_duck, generalbullet, gjohnsonkoehn, gothams3rdrobin, grayarcadian, gypsy_owl, he_dreams_awake, hehnious_one, hobsonphile, hugo_clone, janus14, jhall1, kelemvour, kenderheart, kiyoshi_nezumi, ladyaurora1ca, lhaluk, lil_banik_slave, liten_sam, madmedic, miishal, mike_mccall, moonanstars, mountie_frasier, mrscience, nancybrown, naughtyminx, nixxignatius, notatracer, numb3r_5ev3n, onlytobrowse, oracle01, panther_nesmith, phuata, podthulhu, richardjgrayson, sabrina_dawn, selinaenriquez, shadowlongknife, silly_dodger, sir_sparhawk, syntaxia, talus, tanathir, the_iron_troll, tringa, trinity_of_ash, urrah, vilakins, walker_between, zsofika

I italiczed everbody I've talked with on the phone but not met face-to-face, and I put a line through the ones that are actually me.

All in all, it paints an interesting picture.
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