Meme snurched from
lil_banik_slave Copy your friends from you user info into your journal and bold those you`ve met in real life:
1337caveman, _vii_, agent_rouka, allegradestina, astrogirl2, billietallent, chaos_pockets, chazjazz, christianmystic, computer_boy, crispengray, cruelest_month, curlyjo1, dofunkychickens, fair_witness, faith_of_borg, flydog,
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Comments 6
One day though, I hope....
I started it up more as a way to note down any special days - for later reference as he grows up. Memory's such a fragile thing, after all. I barely remember anything that happened to me before I was ten.
Plus it cuts down on my 'OMG my son was so *cute* today!' posts on my regular journal! ;-)
Gonna hand it over to him when he gets old enough? :D
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