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the explanation here.It was the 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor
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Comments 544
Do you mind if I print this for my class on Monday? I teach English to 10th graders. We also have a standardized test in FL (the FCAT) that for 10th grade focuses on Non-fiction. This is pertinent to their lives right now and with the tie in to WWII (we're covering a Japanese internment camp story next week) it's just perfect to get them interested in the lesson.
On a personal note: WONDERFUL story. I almost skimmed it, because of the length, but then read the last few sentences and HAD to read it. Thank you.
I'm glad you stopped to re-read. I was tempted to LJ cut it, but in the end I decided not to. I rarely don't LJ cut something this long, but, I dunno, I could find a good place to cut.
FYI, this message is date-stamped on my computer as 10:37 p.m. EST
Marilyn also talked about the smell that hung over the base as the dead were recovered and the fear of disease spreading through the survivors who were still there. It's these details that seem to stick with them, and that's why it sticks with you.
My fear is that this rush to make 9-11 porn is going to screw the historical record permanently. People will believe something that's not true, or simply remain ignorant of the fact because they can't bear to watch. I honestly don't know the solution.
Mass media is one of the worst thing that can exist for a democracy (right after first past the post electorial systems).
As for mass's a tough thing to balance. I think the real problem is entertainment masquerading as news. Giving the people what the want is not the same as giving them what they need. The profit issue is too tied up in news and I think that's where part of the corruption resides.
I refuse to be afraid, I refuse to let anyone tell me I should live my life in fear because of the actions of others. This is why I fly, why I get so frustrated with all the "security" measures. This is why I make sure I am welcoming and friendly to anyone of middle eastern descent or who I know is Muslim. I will not judge a race or a religon by the action of fanatics. The only person I blame 9-11 on is the ones who flew the planes. We like to point fingers and blame someone, but everytime we allow someone to tell us what to fear and how to behave, we are the ones to blame.
I am not an activist probably never will be, but I know the only way to face fear is to look it in the face, and keep walking.
Thank you for reading this very long post.
Very well said.
All of us need to remember that media spin is not the truth. We need to hear the unvarnished story from the source, it's the only way.
There's just something wrong with that.
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