Offered: Poetry - SOLD

Jun 30, 2008 09:26

I am offering one poem, fannish or original, structured or unstructured in form.

I am a published poet (been paid and everything!) and have been Bard of the Mists and Royal Bard in the SCA.

Examples of my poetry can be found in my livejournal under the tag poetry, on Highlander Fiction, and in Master-Apprentice (under the name Gail Riordan.)

An Example: Wedding Blessing )

tv: doctor who, offered: original poetry, movie: star wars, seller: lferion, sold, tv: highlander

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Comments 1

Buy It Now rubynye July 1 2008, 07:04:21 UTC
I bid $30.

(It's 3 AM where I am, so I'm going back to sleep and will correspond further in my local morning.)

(Also, thank you for doing this. Your sample poem is absolutely beautiful)


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